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Somebody Someone Raksmey Po

43 Reviews


Loose End

Great Film Lake Society coming back with another banger.

A world governed by red strings.

We follow the day to day life of a man who plays with fate, tests boundaries and gets tempted by curiosity.

I thought that the film sold the genre, the splatter at the end was a nice cheeky hook too.

A great original entry this year from Great Lake Film Society, grand as always.

See your team at the grand finals :)


RS Productions.



Really impressive. I cringed so hard at the bathroom scene, and a " Evil Dead"
kind of cringe at that.

The acting was surperb, prosthetics was next level.

What made me love the ending act was when he made his way to the group outside... with the state that he was in, it reminded me of scary movie one when brenda was moments from dieing in the cinema.

the audiences targeted emotions to the side characters emotions being different just makes it that much more hysterical.

Guy "spilled his guts" for love" and the dog was just the icing on the cake.

"Hey, get out of it!"
disregarding the fact that dude was told to wait till tomorrow to talk about as he passes on...its just layers of comedy.

brilliant guys.

Wellington just kills splatter everytime, never dissapoints.



RS Productions.


I found the dialogue refreshing and I believe couples and friends can relate to and whenever you want to start a serious conversation, they are always distracted.

The establishing shots at the start were crisp and nice framing too.

did not expect the twist at the end and it was well concluded.

A Lazy Twenty

Oh %100 anything free can bring out the worst in people.

A man in his own space, going for a run, stumbles across some extra cash and whatever reason he needs it for, sounds like a steal for me.

It's always nice seeing films starting at a random point of someone life. It gives me "Drive 2011" vibes. just not the murderous intent part... or just maybe ;)

poor kid had it the worst. It may have very well been her money.

Really enjoyed the film. well done team Everything sticks!!

Higher Connections

High connections.

Introduction was straight to the point- the main subject of the film.

It was really impressive with the first three shots of the film because it tells us the concept of the story and what this guy does for a living.

The music is queued in at the start, simple score and added on top, a group of singers that fun have relevant lyrics to go along with it. The tempo of the track help soothe in the transitions from sequence to sequence.

just a slight goof where you can see the friend waiting behind the door before the MC knocks on it. I'm also not sure how he knew where the neighbours house was and why he needed to go there. Felt like there needed to be extra dialogue or a sequence prior to this.

But other than that, my favourite part of story writing is when two very different characters come together by chance.

and because humans can be different from another theres always a place for support
the more open we become, the more we release theres can be a better version of ourselves.

overall, this was definitely well done. Framing was good, music was timed to perfect. acting was a solid and one to remember.


RS Productions

Stage Fright

Firstly, well done on the make up.
The comedic parts stood out, especially the corridor scene.
This film touches base with not only people that are finding it hard to find work but a place where they belong.

There were plenty of extras to make the scenario believable but the story lacked a character to help push his development.

Overall it stood out, loved the make up and the acting from the monster was pretty good 👍

Demetri's Law

Yes... Squint Eastwood!!

Love your films.

Did not expect the pants drop.. there's something about an exposed butt is just so darn funny.

Yes as steel mentioned... the sound design is amazing and the effort to animate but to both colour and throw in engaging expressions makes this short so stellar.

Good twist at the end too



RS Productions.

Never Ever say Never Ever Ever Again

The intro was so good!
looks like you guys had a lotta fun too. The set design and the cast were good, loved the outfits too.
Looks like a mix of inspired action movies rolled up into one.

thoroughly enjoyed this one... this is what inspiration looks like for people to make baddass characters and an awesome set.

well done team Mad Scientists


RS Productions

No Woman No Child No Cry

Simple story and strong message. Thinking that it was going to be problem after problem, I was at awe at the end of it. Very well done, although I felt like the message at the end was already been explained throughout the short.

Tractorius Vehiculus, bringer of destruction

Killer tractor controlled by a killer lamb who seeks revenge.
I love it, and it's so fun getting your young ones involved... unfortunate for some....

ended a little abruptly but a good watch :)

Tunnel Vision

When I saw the support character the second time I was thinking.. was that an edit error?

but I soon realised It was a never ending tunnel.

Can I just say.. wow.
This is why a 48 hour film should be like.
A simple story with a unique way of letting it sink in with a nice and deep powerful message.

Also, I liked the overexposed shot at the end... its the end of the tunnel but a start of a new journey for the protagonist.


RS Productions

Friends Who Pretend

welcoming all friends and family.

I wasnt sure where the characters were heading, it felt like the film needed a place to go to where it relates to the bear or other characters.

i think it wouldve been hilarious with the camera came out and it showed someone holding up the bear.

however, the acting from the entire cast felt genuine and it was educational as well heart warming at the same time. Good stuff New Tiger Media!

Eternal Bond

this gave me charlie chapman. much like a black and white film our focus is primarily the characters actions and set.

I gagged at the door knob part and the exaggerated laughing was so theatre. Gave me a flash back to my roots.

Nailed the genre, elements of neighbour and exit really tied in. The extremities toward the end is so part of our culture.

We want original, We want crazy.

and correct me if I'm wrong, the MCs goal was to finally connect those two peices together but rather he connected with something greater.


but not lovers.



RS Productions


This was hilarious!

it felt like an episodic bottle up where your trying to figure out who is going to lose it and who is going to walk out first.

Also I thought that you guys had cleverly wrote the characters, the jokes worked and acting was on point. The donut ending had me in chuckles.

Good stuff Kishan and the rest. :)


Shes back!

Excited to see your team this year!!

The girls did a great job in keeping the suspense too and chemisty between the two girls was really believable.

Overall, some of the shots were a little too dark and came off a bit grainy. I was hoping there was a bit more to it but I did love the consistent mysterious and dark tone to the film.



Need more horses though

Carp Diem

I enjoyed this. two very different people come together- and one man takes on a different take and eventually ends up becoming a new person by the end of it.

I cracked up seeing him come out of the tent when I thought about him standing inside. There were so edit errors when he was infront of the sliding door but good ending, didnt expect that part.

Costume and set design was bang on... really unfortunate you guys were disqualified :(


A story about an adventuring gal in search for the "answer" its not what she expects but something she has truly longed for.

the cinematogprahy smooth and easy on the eyes. I like that you were able to keep the colours and mise-en-scen got me comfy. If theres anyway to enphasize a bottle thats exactly it. nice greens, did not require any fancy fantasy sounds.

next, the acting was genuine and relatable... that empty feeling of when your efforts turn into turmoil in seconds.

I loved the ending the ending too
a heartwarming resolve.

The best films leave you with a message and something to take away from it.

Great stuff, Daiso Ran!


RS Productions

Zero Mum Game

Wow what a watch. A mum trying to connect with her daughter goes extra lengths to do so.

Simple story, the gags worked and settings weren't too complicated. The beginnings felt a little too forced but cinematography went down smoothly to transitioning into what was going to eventually happen.

An Outfit a Day

A man who is getting targeted for not following code. Fashion code, and it is illegal to wear the same outfit. Well just not as many times as he did.

I really liked the concept, I think if we could have given him motive it- even have those cops more intrusive would of sealed the deal for me.
I like how he was going back to doing the same things, it just reminds me of how 9-5 people are a routine that they're not even aware of.

Herd of Cows?

Yay go Pam and Paiges team!

Really intense story you guys, love the types of shoots you went with. solid opener and I gasped at the chicken part. The sound synch was slightly off but didnt take too much away from the film.
I really want to out how the look the film was spot on, from choice of shots and the saturated greys, seals the deal for a dark themed short.

well done guys :)

Front Yard

This was a joy to watch.

One of my best pick from the wellington heats, every interaction between the two you learn a bit more. It was like layers of development and whilst showing hidden themes packed into one.

Front Yard takes the cake when your fully engaged to the characters, you invest and take their side. The dialogue was clever, you could relate to these gentlemens and it hits such hard topics that we find hard to open up about.

The turning point where he lights up his ciggerate was so powerful.

simple concept but well directed and the actors captured the characters really well.

Great entry for this year guys.

SPNLPD Case No. #2765

Interrogation but with humor! Enjoyable and visual fx were very good. Love the writing and characters guys. Can't wait to see what your team has installed for next year.


I thought the hall way scene was crack up! Loved the costume and character designs, the stop motion was incredible to see too. Great effort team 👍

The Fountain of Youth

This is by far my favourite film in the Dunedin heats.

Go Moyadaze!!!

A young lady looking for work and by chance has landed a job, hired immediately with a place to stay. But as warnings starts to pop up in every angle to her unfortunate luck... she learns really fast.

From sequence to sequence, it was polished and smooth. Cinematography in this was fluent, it actually was really well put together. The framing was well done too.
The acting needed a some tidying up and I believe it was the ADR towards the end that didn't convince me.

to leave on a positive note, I loved the foreshadow of the water shot when it was brought up again at the end. Well done. simple story yet executed really nicely.

can't wait to see more from you guys :)

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo

should i feel bad for laughing when the dude was crying?

what an interesting opener a comic style split screen.
this odd couple reminds me of"Focus" it's deceiving both the characters and the audience.

defintely a thrill ride for people that want to watch this.

Ending got me by surpise. I was too focused on the broken hearted man!

The Crowning


An unwell women has been taken to a facility by a caring neighbour in hopes it would be a safe delivery but curiosity has lead this women to something she was not expecting...

Production value is next level.

What an entrance cinetrance has made this year. See what I did there.

Beautiful establishing shot.
Soon after, a heavy thud to introduce the dark and mysterious, fantasy like tone. The orchestral score was something out of a feature...

Just from pan out when she is in the waiting room you could tell that the choice of shots were neatly hand picked. However, the match cut could of been done better if the continuity was right, it just did not sit well.

I would definitely praise whoever graded the film... it was consistent to a T.

Act 2 started vamped up with the tone in the score and a phone ringing, this is where the film guides us to the unknown and then were put back on our feet with no score and just ambience. Suddenly,BOOM. RAWR.


All the signs start to show. But much like the audience, we're just like a cat. Curious.

Full tucked into my chair I was prepared for the worse, and golly was I not dissapointed. What seemed so unraveling and heartwarming turned to pure absurdity in seconds. What a hook, I suppose monsters will be monsters.

and If I'm not wrong the "exit :was... the gory part. incredible.

Well done Cinetrance.


RS Productions.

Kahu and the Lost Orb

Loved this. Enjoyed the world building, characterisation, and the matchcut was really nice, did not expect that.

The Slime

Scientists gone mad...
I loved that the gue would just drip from the victims.

I also love that you guys went fall ham on the monster design. super yuck, slime and sublime.

Really enjoyable watch :)

Pearl & Pete

Desperate women in the forest trying to escape death...
Unique take on odd couple, I did not expect the puppet to be her partner
Clever, simple and well executed. The red streamers were hilarious.


Great watch.

Loved the cinematography, intimate shots and documentary style film.
The sound levels went south during the "suit up" sequence, and the ADR felt unnatural.

Overall it was original, simple, easy flowing and the match cut was impressive. The fact that the 8th ball somehow got into the gutter was beyond me.

Very well done WORMS!

Magic in the Sack

The perfect adult film.

Loved the gags, you guys would've cracked odd couple.

Nonetheless, solid attempt in Fantasy, you guys also picked a good time to stop the music and really honed in the sheer awkwardness between the two wizards.



ADR during the two fellas *


So many wellington teams this year are just going flat out in the splatter.

What a joy, I feel bad for the ones that have to clean up though. Worth it, 100%. Looks awesome. You guys did a great job on the prosthetics too!

besides the look of the film, the story it self has a good message about people trying attain that body... even if it kills you.

at the same time it also reflects how much impact social media can affect us.

to conclude..

Bloody amazing.


RS Productions

From Beyond the Dog


I'm wondering if this immortality would have a full succession side to it and would the end product not to age at all? *

Sorry brain is fried. LOL

Brought back for the Shot

Two neighbours get together to brag about their kids. Ain't that one we can all relate too?

Nice job whoever was your make up artist was!
The story is back and fourth and essentially trails onto a competitive sport with your underling message of course.
I like that she was still interested in being involved with him.. maybe just a little too much haha.

But the twist had me. Nice hook fellas :)

From Beyond the Dog

The immortality project, cursing and a blessing.

I'm wondering if immortality only a full succession side to it and is the end product not age at all. But we get a more interesting angle: like most experiments theres always side affects.

My only critique is that I feel there should of been a bit more to Charles and Thompson. Even show some of the labtesting.

I defintely love the concept, it also simply fitted the 5 minute time frame rather than trying to make it around it.

The framing, choice of shots were pretty good, I also want to point out was a nice consistency keeping it pretty dark and tight.

Great stuff. Toutai and his team :)

RS Productions

Pazu Who?

Documentary style shorts is always a fun way to story tell and throwing in humour is a great mix.
Especially when the MC is a demon. *SPOILERS*

For some reason I was hoping that the Pazu would give the cross to the host, but the sound guy had me knocked off my chair!

Amazing work from your make-up artist and the bachelor take was hilarious.


RS Productions


Yessss... Go Dave and his team!!

A couple stumbles across a girl with no name, no attachments... but we learn and accept.
We open with greys and blues. The apple maliciously desipates, in a very artistic way might I add.

The representation reminded me of "Eagle vs shark" by the end of it. As we leave the room, were introduced with said lover and their interactions while suited to fit todays conversation and it also matched the uneasy low angles which translated into the later acts.

I'm going to put it bluntly... fucking nailed that match cut. My fiance also agrees.

There needed to be a little bit more folley during/after the forest sequence and there was one awkward cut where the continuity also displaced the characters. but these moments were brief.

I also like to point out about the visual ..
because of our time crunch we all know how long it bloody takes to do even one sequence with VFX, and boy were yours amazing.

To summize, good take on the genre. You were also able to fit in End of the world and supernatural in the mix and It was like a smooth scotch for me.

awesome work team STEELPOTATO

Thank you guys reviewing so many teams :)


RS Productions.

An Elf's Journey

Im a sucker for fantasies. always nice to see a Hamilton team take it on.

I was not dissapointed, this is what effort looks like when making a fantasy film.
from costumes, dailogue to make up and a decent setting.

Well done :)

Spicing Things Up


Im about halfway to you guys and I experience that same thing,

This was so heatwarming, funny and good old fashion humour. There were a few akward edits and sound disparities but didnt pull me away from enjoying the adventure of the two lovely pair.

I'll learn not to get the chilli beans again,


RS Productions

Memoirs of a Teddy Bear

Another one of my favorite Animal Adventure short this year.

I loved the story telling perspective and it had a good back story to come with it.
The interactions with the other stuffed animals reminded me of Toy Story and it brought in good value to the story.

The shots were good, some intimate and the first person pov was clever too.

With every new location we learn something new... and something to take away from it
The film was heart warming , a little sad but gave us a dash of true reality.


RS Productions.

The Good and Righteous Task of Stealing a Chocolate Labradoodle

This was well done, simple and yet engaging.

well some fall into spoonfeeding their film a little too much, this one does a nice job into soothing it in for us.

I cracked up hard at the "hes ugly, anyway"

always good to put in a bit a Kiwi humor in there.

Ending was sweet and loved both the characters.

Good stuff guys

RS Productions.