3 Entries and 61 Reviews

Great Lake Film Society

Great Lake Film Society

Between The Sheets
Great Lake Film Society
Making A Splash
What a tricky review on this one. After being some outstanding films from the chillybox crew over the last few years, including of course competition winning films, the bar has been set so high and expectations for films from this team are always so anticipated. That said I think this years film was exceptional on so many levels. The cinematography was top notch. The pacing was spot on. But where things fell short for me was the storyline. With a blackmirror-esque premise (which we've seen them excel at in previous years) the story didnt bring anything new to the table.
Again this is only because they have set the bar so high in their previous entries that Im labouring on this point. The film is well very well executed and I cant wait to watch it again.
Such a cool film. Great camera work. The set design was on point. Fun ending. All around a great watch.
Wish they leant harder into the Musical genre and there was more than just the small bit of song we got.
Yeaagghewahh (Love Ya Face)
Firstly lets just saw there is potential for a much longer film in this concept. Could easily see this as a feature film in many regards.
Tender moments from the dad character. Funny moments from the daughter. Heart breaking moments from the neighbour. so much packed into a short film.
This review will annoy people. But it needs to be said...
This was a terrible short film - It needs to be a feature!!!!
But in all seriousness, I think we've all come to expect the weird and wonderful when it comes to what Tim delivers to our eyeballs. And this years, our eyeballs were grabbed out of our skulls and made to pay attention. I won't waste your time gushing about the incredible world he's built, or the grotesque but loveable characters that populate it. I'll just say it is by far the 2024 film that will be remembered the longest.
The lightweight story was a bold choice and the only point that didn't win me over. The incredible world could easily host an epic story and I wanted more...
... just no more gooch;)
The Crowning
WHOA. what a stunning looking film. Out the gate gorgeous. Location - grade - compositions - lighting... absolutely head and shoulders above anything I've seen in the comp this year or any year to memory.
The actors committed and executed to perfection.
It felt big budget and I can't comprehend how this was achieved in a 48hour weekend.
Story wise was to me the weak element and perhaps I missed something. But without much driving the story, it cast a shadow on the other elements.
We built and destroyed a full sized cardboard u-boat specifically and only for this competition. also known as “DAS BANANA-BOOT”
These are the types of films that tickle my film bone. Completely out the gate exactions of bizarre ideas. Beyond the story elements a technical marvel and the atmosphere was outta this world.
Would love to see what this team can do more on the story side of things as it seems like big locations is a staple in their film making. 100% would watch a longer version of this film.
Unfinished Symphony
Beautiful meta film! Normally I groan at meta films but this one was beyond engaging as it transcended the usual trappings of a Meta commentary. Beyond that the animation is out of this world.
I cant wait to see the next projects from this creator!
Sit Tight
The less said about this film the better as you are in for a treat if you go in knowing nothing about it.
The story unfolds perfectly. The cinematography was top notch. The ending sneaks up on you... Do yourself a favour... just watch it.
Mind Over Molly
BPMD always has such well crafted story and the acting is so good. This year was no different. Being shot on the oppo was a bonus. Always love the work they put in and the art they give us!
Wierd and twisty with some killer effects.
That line is for those who don't want to read more than a headline:)
Was super excited to see a creation from the legend @steelpotato. After reading so many well thought out and articulate reviews the anticipation was high for what creation would spring forth. And happy to say - was captivated. From the first shots in the hallway with the apple it set a perfect tone which the film stayed with the whole way. And, unlike many 48hour films, felt this took us on a complete journey rather than just a skit. Totally applaud the film makers for that. And many of the troupes that teams fall into (single location - too much reliance on gags) seem to be intentionally avoided to the benefit of the film!
Pros - cinematography, death effects, multiple locations, complete story (yay), commitment to a heavier story + cameo from Dave:)
Cons - this year many teams seem to be using swear words instead of finding creative dialogue and it's feeling played out. Or maybe I'm just getting old:)
Overall a worthy film of your attention:)
Therapy - With A Twist
I'm a huge fan of the TT crew having seen there BOP films for many years. They have a talent for making films that stay with you long after the credits roll and this film is no different. Crazy concept that gets all of your cringe-creepy senses tingling.
I think it deserves a second watch to fully grasp what the film makers were trying to say on this one but it was one that lingers with the viewer!
The Anti-Possession Centre
Seeing the team from Hamilton take on the possession genre filled me with anticipation and wasn't disappointed.
So many great moments unfolded in hilarious ways.
Act 3 could have been introduced with more care but didn't take away from the overall experience as it was all pulled off with such confidence and style!
Good Girl
Loved the feel of this film. The weight of the film rested on the shoulders of the leads performance and she carried it to the final frame.
The special effects enhanced the cheesy nature of the film. The tension was high once the action kicked in and the ending came naturally.
Congratulations of a stellar film.
Joyless Pussies
We had a great time watching this film. The team looked like they had such a fun time making this off beat blend of quirky cinema.
Great concept and really relatable as we all know someone who could fit into such a group:)
Would have loved to see a more polished production from a cinematography perspective and the pacing at times dragged, but everything else was on point. Great humour, great make up, great fun. Thanks for the laughs.
Eight Thirty
Yo - what a great twist. Definitely didn't see that coming at all.
Definitely gave me a gasp moment when the impact came as was rooting for a a meet cute - but thats what I love, subverting expectations.
Mature film-making choosing to restrict the length of this as any longer would have needed to build more story to stop it from dragging. And instead it was simply, a Simple story told with great cinematography and clear characters.
Super Dead
So many quotable lines in this one. Loved seeing some of the old crime film tropes being put to good use and great ending, including a very nicely filmed shadowy final shot. Keep the films coming!!
Fried Chicken
How is this not in the finals? This film was on point from the first to the last frame. The humour was so good and harkens back to every young mans flatting days. So many memorable moments.
I may have to go back and rewatch the ending to make sure I understand it.
Eddie Paige. What can I say. They are always a highlight in the BOP region.
And this year did they deliver?...
The film hooks you from the first scene and with sharp and funny dialogue whisks you into the story (SPOILERS FROM HERE - PLEASE WATCH FILM, ITS WORTH YOUR TIME!!!). The statue scenes were spot on and well shot. Some extra fun acting in moments take you through this breezy section with great pacing and a floaty tune to boot.
Then the twist came out of left field and I wondered if I had missed something in the intro that would have set it up.
Loved the editing, cinematography and costumes and will happily return to the film to see if I can decipher it better:)
Thicker Than Water
Total Banger of a film.
Great twist of the genre and the effects were used to perfection - stomach turning perfection.
Script wise - the relationships were so clear and the situation made all of the characters so identifiable immediately which was chef kiss nicely done.
Someone said that its the teams first year entering and its unbelievable to see a first time team create a film so tight! WOW.
Memories of Kevin
Wow. What a superb film. Simple concept and so perfectly executed. The cinematography is the best Ive seen in the festival thus far! The acting was great and with so much of the film resting on the performance she pulled it off perfectly.
That was a treat!
Brilliant showcase of your slice of paradise! A fun film that you can tell was a bunch of fun to make. Hope to see more from these film-makers in the future:)
Him & Her
Wow wow wow. The amount of effort that must have gone into this to pull this off is staggering! Even though I'm not a huge musical fan I can appreciate the work that is on display here. Great stuff.
Going Solo
Who cares if this film is similar to the winner from a few years ago. Every film is similar to other films in some way or the other.
The things that makes films like this so enjoyable are the differences and small details. The Hilarious posters about the mints and how it tied it self up in a perfect wee twist, which was set-up out but bet no-one saw coming was great.
Cant wait to watch the film again. And I bet everyone who watched this film was swept up in the journey just like I was, enjoying every minute until that final scene:)
Great cinematography- great acting - great script. BOOM
Il Potere
I low key enjoyed this film. There was an emotional through line that held the film together nicely. And the pay off at the end was well worth it. Super great shot with the blood mixing with the water. This very well will be a team to watch for in years to come!
Loot & Blunder
INSANE! How is it possible to be done in 48hours. This animation powerhouse should have a TV show or movie!!
I cannot wait to watch this one again.
Demetri's Law
Anyone who does an animated film in 48hour needs their head looked at.
I can't comprehend the undertaking.
And Squint always produces the goods. 2022 was a highlight to see the humour unfold in their film.
This year I was pleasantly taken on another chaotic journey with some hilarious moments and great character moments.
Didn't hit me as hard as previous entries but it's a great peice of film art and all should watch it!!!
18 to Life
Great film again from the Kratos team.
Highlights being the cinematography and set design. Location was unreal and the production looks slick.
The only downside in my eyes was the simplicity of the story. Some areas unfocused and meandering. That said it was A classic tale with heart that worked on many levels so perhaps the simplicity was the right way to go here.
Overall superb film!
Oh Brother!
This film had our watch party in stitches, shielding our eyes and cringing in equal part. If that's not a glowing recommendation I dont know what is. "My favourite film of the region" - Kerence Stephen, Production designer Great Lake Film Society.
Great work team.
Cool film guys. There was some subtle little moments in the acting that gave me goosebump. Would have loved a parallel story or some backstory playing out alongside the murders to enhance the story but it worked and told a neat wee story. Congrats:)
The Long Neck Job
This film is testament to a team that has evolved and matured every single year!
As soon as you see their logo pop up you know you're in for a treat. And this year they have outdone themselves. The humour and tight story was superb.
Everyone will be talking about the car - but if you've seen their other films you'll know that this team is willing to go above and beyond to treat us to spectacle like this each year!
Achieving the nod from PJ is just the jam on top of the donut. This film is a treat for all who watch it!
Congrats on another top tier film!
The Neighbour
Great cinematography.
Great atmosphere.
Fight choreography- top notch.
On the heels of my favourite film of 2022 "s.w.a.p." Expectations were high and I think the undercooked storyline was the weak link. Tighten that up and this team will be a force to be reckoned with in coming years for sure!
Watching out for future films from this talented group for sure!!!!
Im in two minds about this film. On the one hand it told a simple and effective story.
On the other hand the storyline and twist was very familiar and during our watch party someone picked the twist within the first couple interaction.
That said the cinematography complimented the films mood perfectly and it was concise and easy to follow.
Congrats on the win:)
Loose End
Thanks so much everyone for the support and love for our string film - too many people to individually name but we love you all:)
We have many awesome projects in the works and would love for you to follow our journey -
Credits for our film.
Director: Joel Corbett + Denise Edmonds
Written by: Denise Edmonds
Story by: Joel Corbett
Cast + Crew: Cameron Walton - Dervla Murtagh - Curtis Painter - Sarah Waller - Mandy Thomas - Roy Bowers - Kerence Stephen - Denise Edmonds - Tara-Lea Uebergang - Fake Arm - Holly Houndstooth - Joel Corbett - Martin Grafetsberger - Carey Hollinger - Angela Loucks Alexander - Phil Sommerville
Dedicated to Katherine Ansley - Our beautiful, smiling friend who managed to escape her string and showed us how life can be when lived to its fullest.
Prank Monster
Yay. So rare to see a film commit to camp in such a successful way.
Took a moment to get on board with the style but once you're in, you're hooked for a great ride.
Hilarity train? All aboard!
The Cure
Another great addition to the BBFilms list of films.
Super tight script and spot on acting made this a treat to watch.
A grubbier protagonist and less clean environment would have helped sell the post-apocalyptic vibe but not essential.
Solid building tension throughout and a great ending!
I felt all the emotions watching this film.
Awe - laugh out loud - awe - empathy - disgust - anxiety - wtf - WTF.
I can't say I understood anything that was happening. Which isn't a problem.
I'm not sure if I need my head checked after this or if the film-makers need their head checked.
Beyond This Line
Loved this film. Was definitely my favourite from the region. Many great cinematic techniques on display. A broody sense of tension and a story that could easily fill a larger film.
Cant wait to see it again!
Another film that is heads and shoulders above the competition. Masterful compositions, movement and grading. The tone is absolutely top notch. The story bold and one that deserves a second viewing to appreciate fully.
The acting is on another level with so much told with intricacies and implications.
It's so hard to pick out the best part of the film. Everything is working so well together and the result is a beautiful peice of art!!!!
Theres so much to love about this film. The production value is exceptional, super smooth transitioning between story teller and her past. The images in the past are stunning.
I was a little confused with the sci-fi location and the use of fake background behind the story teller. Seemed at odds with the story that was told.
That said, I really thought this would take out the regions top award. Hopefully we'll see it repping the region in the finals- fingers crossed:) Great work.
Untimely Intervention
Twisty and Wierd and dark. Just the type of strange this comp is made for - if not a bit too similar to apple forks national finalist film from a couple of years ago.
Great use of split screen and carried confidently by the lead!
Screw The Pooch
Pros - Location, acting, editing + colour grade, cinematography. + Twist.
Cons - You'll want to watch it again immediately!
A film that you will want to watch again as there is more here than is happening in first viewing I believe. The ending re-contextualising the rest of the film will add some extra depth on the repeat viewings!
Great work owls!!!
The Dying Art of Cat Burglary
So goooooood.
That pay off was worth the price of admission.
I love films where they do a lot with a little. Contained and minimal location, simple cast - but brilliant writing and interplay between the leads made for enjoyable watching!!
I love films with atmosphere. I love subversive films.
I love films that Make you ponder and consider the implications/feelings/ideas presented.
And I love films that leave you confused, musing on what you just watched.
I guess what I can say is I love that the film-makers ripped into the film and committed to their vision. The last two festivals UD have brought us great dialogue and unique visions, so I was expecting more great things.
For me though, this year, I couldn't help but be frustrated as the pieces didn't feel like they fit together in any meaningful way - I rewound the livestream and watched multiple times to see if I missed something. Perhaps theres a key to this film that will unlock it and it is a subversive masterpiece. But until that turns up, I feel the atmosphere and great imagery went nowhere.
Saying that... this will be one I will come back to (hopefully someone can educate me to the meaning in the comments) as I want to love it!
Quality production is to be expected from the CK team - and they delivered another mic drop BOOM!!!
A great tale of the lengths one goes to when they're love blind. And a really mature take on the splatter genre.
The practical effects were so great. Like... make you queasy great.
The lead pulled us in with vulnerability and held us in full tense mode through his time in the tub. Such great commitment
IMO, A late story turn or unexpected twist would have taken this film into perfection level.
Flüstern des Herzens
This film makes you immediately sit up and pay attention. The constant tension and rising dread as the shots of the creepy location fill you with a palpable unease. Cant say more without giving away the ending so instead... Go watch it! Well worth your time
Zero Mum Game
Was such a beautifully shot and graded film. The ending is spot on!
This sets a high bar for what a 48hour film should be!!!!
Closet Cowboy
Superb story with heart and laughs. The simple concept of pursuing something despite what others think is so universal it was easy to get onboard with the film.
If the execution was a bit stronger - in particular the sound then this would have easily been one of the favs of the night.
Love to see where these film-makers go from here as there is talent and creativity in abundance.
Higher Connections
Wow. What a great film. The cinematography and acting was top notch. The journey was smooth and building to such a great moment.
Which leads me to my one gripe which is just a personal preference. Films which don't have a WOW ending can undo the great work that comes before (I'm more guilty than anyone else of this) and the ending didn't really have a have that surprise value that stays with you.
I say this with peace and love because the rest was beautiful and a really strong film in the region!!!!
THIS IS IT!!! So good. So many fun moments. To me this is the type of film I want to see in the film festival. Something bonkers but coherent and clearly fun to make. Hilarious!!!
Lil' Bro
Super well shot. You could have fooled me this was done in 48hours. WOW. Cinematography is top notch. Editing doesn't miss a beat. The only thing missing would be a deeper or more original storyline. Apart from that Superb.
The Gathering
EPIC. This film was so great. Lighting - gags - art direction - story that progressed nicely. And the spinning camera with cuts 🤌
All and all a well rounded film.
I wish I was producing anything this good while in school!
Run with me
That twist!!! Didn't see that coming!
Great use of locations and the acting was really nice! Cinematography from that first shot onwards had me hooked and great colour grade!!!!
Slay! (that guy over there)
There was something about this film which just had me in stitches. every time the mermaid character was on screen she was chewing the scene (and sushi) to pieces.
Another fantastic film to add to the growing talent of the BOP region!
Shit Chat
Whoa that was a brilliant film. What an ending. Was waiting for a really epic unloading and I was not disappointed.
For a single location and simple premise this had me hooked. The performances were just what was needed and possibly one of the most memorable lines from any film so far "the heart and the asshole are connected" love it
A Matter of Time
So many moments in here that make this a memorable film. Love the breeder. Total romp!
The fact that you would have had to have made it essentially backwards while shaving to create the different characters adds so much to this. Great planning and great execution.
Monster State
Wow. WOw. WOW.
This is the work of some incredible film-makers. Not a single note that isn't perfect here.
Wasn't expecting the emotional depth from a 48hour film - which feels like a credit to the acting and script, but all of the decisions here are spot on. The set design, lighting, camera work, sound... all off the chart!
Gushing out of the way. If you are looking for something bizarre and different (which I sniff out like a fiend) this won't tickle that itch.
The strength of this film is in its emotional gut punch! Something that only the best film-makers in this comp can pull off - which this team clearly are!!!
Le Burglar
Really enjoyed this film. Some of the lines were LOL-able.
Even though the location was flat (a literal flat by the look of things) it didnt detract from the great elements of humour and cheesy deaths
Cannot wait to watch it again!
The Breath of Death
This is a well paced and very competently put together film. So of the editing techniques in here are really well executed and the tension was perfect for the setting and story that was being told.
Meat the Artist
The disqualification comp is strong this year. This film goes hard!!!!
Great acting:)
The Lurhman Brothers
I have issues with this film...
...I want it to be 10x longer and I want that mood and tone to be part of a bigger story!!!!
As soon as the film starts it feels like you're in the hands of confident and capable film-makers.
The selected imagery is perfection to the tone and story and the building dread.
My only gripe - and sorry for inserting my preferences on your art - is it felt like the start of a larger film rather than a film in its own right. Had there been a wider context this would be S-tier. For now its just s-teir:)
Potentially my favourite film of the 2024 comp.
Lover's Got the Runs
Superbly shot film. Acting top notch. Some great laugh out loud moments and love an awkward moment. Editing sold the story elements to perfection.
Storywise was a really mature take this situation and didn't dip into easy gags and grotesque toilet humour!
Everything from script to credits felt confident, creative and professional!!!