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Lover's Got the Runs

by Pixel Pixies


Loved this film! Beautifully shot, acted, edited… great production values all around! Lovely humorous story and never a boring moment! Finalist for sure!

Conceptually brilliant and toilet humor done right! They took their genre and ran with it. Incredibly well put together. Writing, Direction, Cinematography, Sound. All immaculate. Where the heck is everybody finding all these beautiful churches to shoot in this year!?? The performances were all top-notch, The pacing was perfect and it ended on just the right note. I would be very surprised if we don't see this film play at least once more this year.

This was very gorgeous and fun. The script was concise and witty and perfectly shaped for a 5-minute film. Church interior shots were especially SO good looking. Needing to poop with urgency is a relatable queer experience, as is dealing with barely suppressed homophobia from religious leaders. Really confident work from this team.

Superbly shot film. Acting top notch. Some great laugh out loud moments and love an awkward moment. Editing sold the story elements to perfection.

Storywise was a really mature take this situation and didn't dip into easy gags and grotesque toilet humour!

Everything from script to credits felt confident, creative and professional!!!

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