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Somebody Someone Cinema In Mind

2 Entries and 42 Reviews



Boom! Style, skills and sub-titles... Once again, the randomness and specific cleverly bad use of the VoiceOver and subtitles rocked. Again, definitely in line for best-worst again!!


Once again, Tim has planned and executed a vision beyond what most people or teams in the competition would even ever dream of. The ambition is huuuuge! A fellow viewer (superb film maker in his own right!) described one of the shots from this film, simple with the words "Jesus!".

The planning and art dept, shot choices are superb - yeah there's the odd evidence throughout its a miniature set , which took me out of it a few times and the odd hand turns up... and yet the thought that went into this is epic. Will be interesting to see how it fairs on a massive screen? will the illusions hold? Now equally... especially for such a tiny team, I have to honour anyone who puts as much prep into the competition, as Tim does... preparation is the key to success in this game, and he's proven a few times now, how it leads to a win! The execution is superb, the sound design / post work and VFX just takes it up a level - brilliant stuff... and the ambitious world building visuals, for Tim, just seem common place for his films now.

Now, story wise... hmmm, well personally I would love to see some more 'heart/ personal' elements in the writing.. have some thing to say beyond just the spectacle of the imagery or here's an epic experience you've never seen... and I'm not dismissing the spectacle experience either here, as we've all seen... it's not simply your average Joe visuals to be fair... its huge, epic and mind blowing... it's just... I want... to be able... to CONNECT with the characters/film and care, be more involved, learn something, experience something that the film maker has to say etc. I've personally always treated the competition as a training ground, i.e. what more could I do to practice, learn, experiment, what toys could I play with, all within 48hours... what's possible etc?... all, though, through the lens of one day knowing, I could walk in to the larger industry prepared and practiced... and the longer I've done it, one thing has shone through - all the techniques in the world are worthless, when story is king/queen! ...write what you know, be authentic, find your truth and let that shine through! If Tim adds that into the Mix?? God help us all! lol

Anyway, sure bet for Finalist both regionally and nationally... Awards a plenty, I predict! Possible winner!

Concept / Story: 3.5/5
Production Design: 6/5 (he had a miniature set FFS)
Cinematography 4.5/5
Sound: 5/5
Editing: 4.5/5
VFX 4.5/5
Acting: 4/5
Overall 4.5-4.75/5

Dive Dive Dance!!!

Wow! Hilarious, one of those films that just shouts out... we're school teachers and we love having fun! (no idea what you actually do for a living but anyway ! Loved it!) For what they did with what they had available it was brilliant... did drag a little after a while in the dance sequence and near the end... it could have used a bit of tightening edit wise. But the charm of the cardboard set and solo guitar definitely put it up there for 'best worst film' - and that's definitely a positive thing too! Some of the other Best worst films are that - the worst: so bad they're funny... you guys are genuinely funny just... ok enough said :-P Loved it!

Knuckles Deep

This was a tough one... knew them as past winners and was clear the were going for a sequel and its was goooood! Really got me straight away, cinematography is awesome, acting is great... sound, music... all there... the whole thing liked like a complete short, super intriguing , will the hero over come the obstacles, he faces... 1st one... no, but he gets back up, he tries again... gets kicked down... he's found a new lease on life, gets knocked down... then finally he gets back up... how will it all end, how's he gonna deal with all the challenges - I'm rooting for him AND...yeah, na... ending was (unfortunately - and I really mean super disappointingly... because up until this point, I thought they had nailed everything superbly, would take this years competition and would win the whole thing with this film ) ... but the ending, yeah na... felt like a cop out! Can see some people liking it, but just was expecting more... was a major downer and kinda...hmmm pointless? I mean yeah, might just be me, but the bar she so high with the 95% of the film, I was expecting something more... I don't know what, but wasn't this ending? Prediction: Regional and National Finalist

Concept / Story: 3/5 (would have been 5/5 if the ending was different)
Production Design: 5/5
Cinematography 5/5
Sound: 4.5/5
Editing: 4.5/5
Acting: 5/5
Overall 4.5/5


Very artsy this one... went into the depths of the mind of two homeless people looking for a place to crash. Turned quite dark / horror then quite mad in the middle. Had the audience in stitches with the lead actor losing his mind. Very Art House!

Concept / Story: 3.5/5
Production Design: 4/5
Cinematography 3.5/5 (lots of cool extreme close ups)
Sound: 3/5
Editing: 4.5/5
Acting: 3/5
Overall 4/5

Panic planet

Crazy retro visual Vfx feast! Lots of crazy warped things took place... nuff said! Just really no story though... mainly a random game experience.

Birthday Boy

Really loved this film. Very simple premise executed incredibly well. Story had me hooked from the start with a great concept and it really played to it's strengths. Expecting this to make the finals! Great work!

Concept: 5/5
Story: 4/5
Production Design: 3/5
Cinematography 3/5
Sound: 5/5
Acting: 3/5
Overall 4/5

Galactic Cringe

Maate... this had a lot of the audience cracking up from the initial titles... especially the sound design emphasising the year.... and then the janky Caravans. Really was login for broke with what they had. Wish we could have heard the actors more, but the story still came across and the dancing was mad... lol! Nice work.

Concept / Story: 2.5/5
Production Design: 5/5 (for login full Jank!)
Cinematography 2.5/5
Sound: 2/5
Acting: 3/5
Overall 3.5/5

The Super Galactic Spacecadets

Great little film! Had a fantastic heart that pulled you in with nice acting. Story was compelling and had me hooked. Thought it could have ended after the young lad came back in with the survival kit - the extraterrestrial ending wasn't really needed as the metaphor had already been sold earlier. Great film overall in my top 3 and definitely a finals contender!

If You See Them

Witty as! Great pompous characters and a fantastic intriguing distraction. really edited well. Love how at first the 'distraction' might have been in his head and then it turned out to be real... love how your main character then just lets loose and it turned quite surreal at the end. A lot of fun to watch and very well accomplished. Likely finalist. Great work!

Concept / Story: 4/5
Production Design: 4/5
Cinematography 3.5/5 (lots of cool extreme close ups)
Sound: 3.5/5
Editing: 4.5/5
Acting: 3.5/5
Overall 4/5


What a start to a film! Was looking out for this team again - especially after last years short. And, boy can they deliver... The style, writing and editing/ production value were just perfect. They definitely know their strengths and obviously love what they do. And, so this short rocked along with some real energy right up until the ending. Now, to be fair what they were wanting to shock us with was pretty effective, except it was all pretty much lost on me and a few others as we weren't quite sure what exactly was going to happen with the baby... But more importantly though, they lost me with all the characters deciding to walk/run away from the next door neighbour laying on the ground, kinda bleeding(?) but awake. I mean the characters just seemed like the kind that would help her up and get her inside... So to run away... Weeeeeell, *humph* it just killed it unfortunately. Which is mighty disappointing as this (although still lights ahead of the majority on the night) was looking like another potentially winning entry. Bummer - but still awesome...


Wow, what a way to start the screening! A serious mind bender, which left me putting all the pieces together... and from the response of the audience (reserved silence), I think it wasn't just me! The best production values of the night, and with just a touch more volume I think untouchable (production wise) Not sure about Stealpotato's rating 6/10 (the most prolific reviewer! Who are you anyway??) considering SP, you also scored Fresh Leaf, Rollover and Full-night the same... (yeah I notice your ratings lol) they were clearly no where near the smarts and quality of this film, which I think is doing this team a major disservice... From reading the reviews so far(including Steel's), all I can think of is that a fair few of the audience missed the biggest element of the film... I mean it was called PlayBACK(wards) right? Did everyone seriously miss that..? that's frickin brilliant - really want to watch it again... So nice to see a film that requires you to think for a change! Congrats guys!

A Strange Pair

Very nice quirky, gentle well intentioned film. I admit to being taken in by the premise and especially loved the wee young actress... In the right film she could be another Anna Paquin!! The jokes worked well too... The Russian held it together overall and while the production level was only average, it was clear everyone was having fun and it showed! Great effort!

Ruby Smith - A National Treasure

This was a very polished film with extremely brilliant acting and an amazingly put together film. It felt like an actual documentary - great voice from the main interviewer (possible best performer nod coming I suspect) and the cinematography was superb. I literally found myself relaxing into watching this, like a real doco. The only aspect that took something away from it was the slightly drawn out dialogue in the middle. A few less words and explanations from the leading lady and I think this would have jumped another level! And that ending?! Dayum... ! Out of nowhere. Definitely a finalist?! I think so... unless the other heats are as good as this one was.

The Awakening

Great little film with high production values! Sort of a devils version of Groundhog Day - loved the game like strategies he had to come up with to keep moving. Thought the heavily designed makeup was great but also a little too perfect - on reflection I would have loved the creatures to be hidden , more in the light/darkness etc. Also, was a little disappointed with the ending as it was such a change around in styles, which I really enjoyed and wanted to follow this... But alas time constraints - though I was missing the whole 'who' they were going after ? Needed that motivation etc... Overall pretty damn slick all round!


Guttered! Have to say, I had really high hopes for this film (based on the teams rep and previous entries) and while it was generating a lot of laughter(deservedly) - it really didn't kick off for me until our lead actor got naked! And by then it had already lost my attention a lot. I'm really torn with commenting on this film as I do know they pulled off a lot with a skill/talent and an awesome production value, that they should be proud of... But, there was just too much going on and ALOT of exposition and ...yeah, the story just was sludgy (sorry fellas- I need to be honest) - it was trying too hard to do too much. And what happened to your music?? It was very subtle in this piece- even no existent till near the end, where as in previous years it blows everyone out of the water!! Was sad to have so little of it in the film. Now, I'm probably coming across as harsh(?) but knowing how talented this team is, I suppose I'm just wanting them to keep growing and getting better and hope they can develop into the impressive film makers they have shown they can be previously.

Dick Off

What can ya say? Slick, funny, beautiful, sexy and that's just the actors!! This had a bit of everything, but mostly energy and a smart / vicious lead actress -great to see her get a grittier role too. Loved the last shot! Really made the film - certainty for a finals birth!


Noise and Pictures produce yet another top notch, beautiful looking drama/horror with a little comedy chucked in. Very effective and smart use of cinematography to convey what truly felt like a scary situation. Loved the dialogue and characters interaction. One of top 3 in the heat and most likely the finals again?

Thought you were at work, brah!

Very weird film that was never trying to hide its own awareness. Loved the stranger / hero to the rescues entrance and the whole milk craziness. Maybe in line for best worst film? Though to be fair this had some great inventive story elements... Just feel the production values let it down a tad (just a little mind you!). Great work!! David Lynch would be proud!

The Beaning

Interesting concept and intriguing start... had me watching with intent. Sound wise though it was a bit tough to listen too, quite muddy and some of the editing could use a bit of tightening. Script needed a bit less dialogue too - consider telling your story more visually. However, considering the likely equipment you had available, it still held my attention a lot and your story was the main reason!. Overall great work... Feel sorry for the beans.

Concept / Story: 3/5
Production Design: 2.5/5
Cinematography 2.5/5
Sound: 2/5
Editing: 3/5
Acting: 3/5
Overall 3/5


Noise and Pictures produce yet another top notch, beautiful looking drama/horror with a little comedy chucked in. Very effective and smart use of cinematography to convey what truly felt like a scary situation. Loved the dialogue and characters interaction. One of top 3 in the heat and most likely the finals again?


Awesome to see an international film which played to it's strengths. The quality of the filmmaking was up there too. Would love to see what they come up with next year. Definitely a finals contender!

Concept / Story: 3/5
Production Design: 4/5
Cinematography 4/5
Sound: 3/5
Acting: 3/5
Overall 3.5/5

The Seven Slides

Nice camera work and overall damn good acting. However I felt like the story and the slides themselves got a bit messy in the middle and I lost track and interest (a bit). And the ending just kinda left me confused, which is sad cause I was enjoying the build up. Overall, a nicely composed we film.


This was a very well thought out concept - a little 'done before' but with a nice twist... Challenge was it kinda got messy, story wise and production wise. Loads of potential though as a concept... Could be cool to write another version of it with more time to develop it. But overall, really nice twist on the concept of a time travelling ability and a common student.s use of it!

Sticks and Stones

Well I have to say wow again... and mainly because this team is one to watch in the future. Again pretty hot right across the board and right smack on the genre! The gasp from the audience when the sticks flew into the evil mage's hands was brilliant, and again an amazing a score to boot! But I'm still not sure who's doing the music? nevers seems to be credited in the teams credits?? A shame, because they could get a lot of work! The actors were good, but the film was crying out for a bit of age differentiation - i.e. someone in their 30's/40's/50's??? it would have really helped the piece and the stories world! Overall, it was blasting along as the best of the night until it kinda just died story wise with the flashback and random magic stone thingy... and at that point the story was lost on me... maybe a feature forced into a short film issue?? But hell, lose the vfx next year and get in on time! you don't need them! You're good storytellers and a rising bunch of film makers... we need ya in the finals next year!! ( and find some older actors to compliment your team - it'll really expand your story options and market appeal!) ;-)


Very strange film this one... it opened well then kinda went into flashbacks and a concept around the devils babies? Had a nice enough presence and some hilarious splatter action that got the audience going. Gore fest with pregnant woman!!

Lover's Got the Runs

Loved this film! Beautifully shot, acted, edited… great production values all around! Lovely humorous story and never a boring moment! Finalist for sure!

Sticks and Stones

Well I have to say wow again... and mainly because this team is one to watch in the future. Again pretty hot right across the board and right smack on the genre! The gasp from the audience when the sticks flew into the evil mage's hands was brilliant, and again an amazing a score to boot! But I'm still not sure who's doing the music? nevers seems to be credited in the teams credits?? A shame, because they could get a lot of work! The actors were good, but the film was crying out for a bit of age differentiation - i.e. someone in their 30's/40's/50's??? it would have really helped the piece and the stories world! Overall, it was blasting along as the best of the night until it kinda just died story wise with the flashback and random magic stone thingy... and at that point the story was lost on me... maybe a feature forced into a short film issue?? But hell, lose the vfx next year and get in on time! you don't need them! You're good storytellers and a rising bunch of film makers... we need ya in the finals next year!! ( and find some older actors to compliment your team - it'll really expand your story options and market appeal!) ;-)


Wow, what a way to start the screening! A serious mind bender, which left me putting all the pieces together... and from the response of the audience (reserved silence), I think it wasn't just me! The best production values of the night, and with just a touch more volume I think untouchable (production wise) Not sure about Stealpotato's rating 6/10 (the most prolific reviewer! Who are you anyway??) considering SP, you also scored Fresh Leaf, Rollover and Full-night the same... (yeah I notice your ratings lol) they were clearly no where near the smarts and quality of this film, which I think is doing this team a major disservice... From reading the reviews so far(including Steel's), all I can think of is that a fair few of the audience missed the biggest element of the film... I mean it was called PlayBACK(wards) right? Did everyone seriously miss that..? that's frickin brilliant - really want to watch it again... So nice to see a film that requires you to think for a change! Congrats guys!


Definitely the most all together polished film of the heat. Story, prod values, acting, genre, drama and humour. Finalist if not contender for overall Wellington’s best... just has it all and from a two person team too!! ...probably shoe-in for Ultra champ too!