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by Great Lake Film Society

Nigels desire to fit in leads to offering himself as a sacrifice for an ancient cult. Hilarity ensues


Hilarity did indeed ensue :) Really enjoyed this film. It looked like you had fun making it!

Every year I can't wait to see what Great Lake Film Society are going to make next for 48Hours, and this year they delivered all the 'great' once again.

The screen writing, acting, special effects, sound, music, cinematography, production design - I want to effuse madly about all this, but am afraid of giving away the story. It's just all so well executed.

As the opening credits came up on screen, the audience applause was spontaneous ...before the film had even got underway ....and then was followed with constant laughter throughout the film, laughing at the hilarious antics of the actors. This film was an audience favourite. Story is always king with this team, and they didn't sacrifice the story at all to achieve the required elements and genre. It was really just perfect.

And it has all the required elements of transcendent strangeness and randomness while still taking itself seriously that you hope to get with a 48Hour film. So, in summary it's a completely satisfying watch and I expect them to take out a bunch of awards! (I'm competing against them - if I wasn't I'd say that I'd expect them to take the top BOP award :) but I gotta be loyal to my own team lol)

WATCH THIS FILM! It's supremely satisfying to see skilled filmmakers at their craft.

Always look forward to seeing what GLFS make over the 48 weekend! and this is another brilliant short film.
Excellent production design, lots of effort put into creative editing and lighting your scenes. There is a cohesive and polished feeling from start to finish.
Only part I felt needed refinement was the script which would have given us more cleaner connections to the characters. Top 3 from BOP.

Great film from start to finish. We always love what your team brings to the comp. The art direction was fab and well executed all round. Haven’t laughed so hard in a long time!

Another gem from these guys and dolls. Nailed the theme and I think anyone who has been in the position of a manager or leader or cat-hearder will relate to the Sacrifarce. Thanks for the laughs - got my vote for favourite! Good work y'all.

What a well made film! Great Lake film society pulls it off again with this hilarious flick. It couldn’t have been easy to manage a large cast but the final product was a well rounded and executed, technically mature movie. Congratulations!

Great Lake Film Society consistently hit the nail on the head when it comes to laugh out loud and WTF moments. Sacrifarce however is an exception... it's upped the game with super sized LOL's and not only did the WTF blow my mind but all that talk of Italian food left me ravenous.
Can't wait to see what these weirdos submit next year!


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