1 Entry and 49 Reviews

Bored Narcissist Studios
Pray, Love, Eat
Interesting wee film. I enjoyed the first minute a lot. It then went all over the place and lost me but I'm sure you were trying to be a bit random.
With voiceover stuff I think it's better to have the character moving (preferably the head) when they're speaking but i know from past experience how hard that is come editing time.
Help Yourselves
Well that was intense! Excellent editing of the muffin baking and really well shot. I liked the mix of dark urgency over a silly premise. Well done.
Full-Time Hero
This film started well for me, but drifted off a little after he bypasses the reporter. A good take on the genre and I thought it was well acted but it wasn't compelling enough to get a top grade. Overall I enjoyed it.
Hands Down
Well done this was some welcome light relief in the finals. I loved the silly premise and the plot was funny. The excavation bit was brilliant. The ending was very predictable but still funny and well executed.
The Quiet Moon
Such graceful animation - the initial walking and the landing at the end were masterful. The ending was very dramatic too. The dialogue/ banter took a couple of view to warm to. Perhaps more of a set up would help?
Monday, 12:03
Great acting, well shot and well produced. I didn't really understand the ending but that say more about me than your film.
Very well shot, edited and acted. The ending was a bit of a let down, given all the build up. Well executed, good stuff.
Animal of Puppets
I quite liked this one.
Didn't really follow it but it had a fun vibe and your place made an excellent backdrop.
The camera was a bit wonky and the sound was mixed. The arc shot must have been quite acrobatic to achieve!
Pupper Paleolithic
I loved this one. So much energy to it and really imaginitive. Best animation work I can think of from any 48 film I've seen.
L.A.M.E. and the Rise of Xavon Lady
Cool flick and particularly good use of the compulsory elements. The dialogue was a bit forced at times and the superhero characters didn't all add to the story as much as they could have. Overall I liked it.
Nothing To See Here
Really liked this one. The backflip was the highlight to me and the final line was amusingly predictable (in the best possible way). Great voice work and innovation.
Eligible Maiden
Good effort!
I think it'd benefit a lot from some more steady camera work and perhaps more close up shots. I particularly liked the sweat shots and you got the weird fantasy vibe I think you were after.
Any Portal will do on a Storm
Lol what on earth was that? Very dramatic! Can't say I followed the story as there was so much going on, but perhaps that's the point. I liked the animation of the portals.
Life Insurance
Really funny and good performances. I particularly liked the ending. The photos were hard to see so it wasnt really clear what they were achieving plot-wise, but overall a solid comedy. Well done.
I really liked the look of this film. The opening aesthetic really sets the scene. Well acted and technically good. I thought the pacing was a bit slow mid-way, and the story telling could have been clearer. Well done.
For Generations
Firstly, well done!
Really expressive animation and I loved the voice work that complemented the images so well -particular the mother. Very funny and relatable message.
Huge respect for the cinematography. Can't say I found the story that compelling, but I was paying so much attention to the technical side that I may have missed that side of it. Particularly enjoyed the opening segment and when the camera circled the leading character visiting Nicky.
Leaving so soon
My number one from the heat. The ending was pretty predictable, but fitted the general tone. You clearly had a blast making it and technology was used extremely well. Thanks, best film I've seen from you guys.
Read, are the tea leaves
Really engaging picture and audio. Super polished. Can't say I understand the story but it's certainly evocative.
Hide N Seek
Very nicely made and particularly strong camera work and acting. The ending could be more clear. The set up with the closet carried it well.
The Collectors
The story could have been more interesting, but the acting was generally good and it was a ambitious shoot. Good stuff.
Time & Lasers
Excellent animation and very funny. I liked it how the story was so simple and the ending was very well executed.
Sexy Men: Behind the Sex
Funny one, well done. All the talking heads were great and I also liked the fire place. Sound levels were a little varied but otherwise really good technically
I liked the Beatles gag.
Lizard Wizards
Great film I enjoyed it a lot more second time. Some lovely shots throughout. You certainly made good use of what you had available during the weekend!
Space Suits You!
Well done some funny gags in there and the space suit shots were pretty good. Didn't really have an ending but a good vibe nonethess.
Aesculus Paryiflora
Generally well shot, although a little fuzzy. Very nice ending to play on the unlucky side of Nicky, and of course good use of the leaf requirement. I drifted watching it a bit so possibly a bit long but a solid effort.
Wire We Here?
Very well shot film, and a HUGE improvement from last year's effort. Good editing and well acted. My only gripe is the same as Bobski's, as the film's point was sacrificed by not explaining what the wire was about. I won't let the exit affect my rating, but would have given 5 stars it if you sang the "are you in or are you out?" song before departing ;-)
Great film!!
Cool effects and tight script. I like the little touches like the parliament picture.
"No you gotta family" -classic!
Fresh Start
It was pretty well shot, but to me it just needed more going on. Funny use of past characters but the general sentiment and close up shots of the stereotypical office stationary etc just reminded me of ...The Office but with next to no character development that's needed for it to be compelling. There's definite talent in this team, but I just thought you went for a too easy route this year.
Gavin In The Woods
What a beautifully made film. So many memorable shots and wonderful attention to detail. You've nailed the aesthetic well done!
Marked for Death
Overall it didn't really work for me but I liked most of the individual aspects, such as the 300 style opening. The outdoor scenes were a little weak but when you're doing a pretty ambitious shoot in such a short period it's a challenge.
Wire We Here?
Very well shot film, and a HUGE improvement from last year's effort. Good editing and well acted. My only gripe is the same as Bobski's, as the film's point was sacrificed by not explaining what the wire was about. I won't let the exit affect my rating, but would have given 5 stars it if you sang the "are you in or are you out?" song before departing ;-)
Marked for Death
Overall it didn't really work for me but I liked most of the individual aspects, such as the 300 style opening. The outdoor scenes were a little weak but when you're doing a pretty ambitious shoot in such a short period it's a challenge.
Escape From Planet A4
Ha that's a lot of suspence you managed to create there! Really strong start that carried the film well. Great camera work.
Dread Train
Very cool ending. Most of the dialogue didn't seem to serve much purpose story-wise but the sudden reveal made ir well worth the watch.
Permanent Resident
I loved the sound and it was well shot. The scene with the toothbrush wasn't as strong as others. Some of the phone dialogue seemed extraneous and the cut was a little distracting.
I loved the "this is my house" ending. Well done!
Glendalhorn Academy: Eluvia and the Sprite
Really well made -properly cinematic. Story took a very surprising twist. The final scene was brilliantly executed and the hologram effect was perfect. Well done
Tonight On Extreme Quickfire Trivia
Brilliant animation and I really liked the song.A little morbid for my taste but you got the intended effect. The visual depth in your animation is excellent.
Gluten Free
Superb music and well acted. I wasn't that engrossed by the story but I think you got the intended effect. Well done.