1 Entry and 59 Reviews

Infinite Origin
Thirst Contact
I liked the concept but I thought it could have been clearer what was going on. I think this film would play better if the viewer doesn't already know the genre is about aliens. Nice final shot even if it's a bit of a cliché.
One of my favourites from heat 7. Engaging characters, nice mini twists in the story. The musical element wasn't completely knocked out of the park but it was a good effort.
So dodge, so very very dodgy. Why doesn't anyone think of the children? From the moment the audience finds out the baby's name is Nicky Brick, we know what will happen. We don't want it to happen - and especially not onscreen - but it does. It has some good black laughs served by a can't-be-stuffed cast, which is actually a good thing. Pretty good production value, including some sweet credits, but offset by the horrible story that I (kind of) want to un-know. I think these guys made exactly the film they wanted to make, and they don't care what anyone else thinks. I know there's an 'Oh no a forest in a small-furry-animal' film from last year in the screening room - because I hate myself I will probably watch that too.
The Cunniffe
I liked the costumes and the interesting characters in this film, but I think the camera placement (the family in front of the bathroom mirror) and overall story coherency let it down a bit.
I loved the location used in this film! Very creative use of an elevator for a One-Room Movie. Very effective lighting and music (the music especially put me on edge each time the lift moved). Wasn't clear on the story and can't remember if the elements were used well, but it was technically put together so well that it hardly matters:) I was waiting for a jump-scare that never came, damn those violins:)
Bro, did you eat my pie?
Some great laughs in this one. It did feel a bit long and some of the acting was average, but they nailed the genre and the audience ate it up. 5 out of 10.
Strewth Ruth
A good attempt at the supernatural genre. I liked the lighting effects (especially at the end) and the awkward comedy. I thought a couple of sequences could have been cut shorter.
Hide and Seek
I liked this film, it was a bit weak compared to previous Nutbar films but still a solid effort. It moved fairly quickly, it had a coherent (but predictable) story and good kid acting, but let down by the strangely not-that-concerned neighbour (despite the swearing to convince us otherwise) and the slightly less concerned mother. I think team Nutbar has a spot for them at the Wgtn finals one day, but I don't think it will be with "Hide and Seek". No use of the word "fuckery" in this film, which I found surprising seeing as it would've fit in perfectly during the "fuck", "fuck", "shit" scene (which I found odd, by the way, to include so many f-bombs in a film that those kids would want to see).
This film should be up for the risk award if nothing else. As far as I can tell it was a solo effort and a ultra48 effort. Really tough break to get the Christmas genre on top of all the other elements. There were some good laughs and gross out moments, and I liked that the ad from the first film was playing in the background, but it lacked a real female character and the Xmas genre was hardly touched on.
The Kitchen
Loved this one (from a two man team!?), great idea for it to be the splatter of flies. Loved the way it was filmed with the human in slow motion. Did not understand the tiny basketball, possibly a reference to something? 9 out of 10.
"Paltergeist" had a good concept but just lacked clarity in the execution. Really drawn out credit sequence for some reason.
bush Whacked
Funny performance by the footballer/ex-SAS guy. Some of the other acting was just okay, and I wasn't sure of who the mistaken identity was (was it the naked dude?). Hilarious scene of the two guys one-upping each other as they ate - I assume! - a slightly melted picnic bar. 6 out of 10.
Is it Mexico?
I liked the look of this short. It had a nice filter over it, which gave it an original look - I've never seen it before anyway. There was some good age/race inappropriate acting by the cast which made it funny. The editing was a bit muddy however and I couldn't understand what was going on most of the time. Just like Kappa Patrol I can't remember if the required elements were used well. I will look out for what your team does next year:)
The Ride
I liked this entry, especially the choice to shoot B&W. I found it a bit confusing though, possibly to do with the jumping back and forth between the past/present, or was it reality/fantasy? I liked the magic eight ball as the required prop, that was a nice touch. 6/10 for me.
Bro, did you eat my pie?
Some great laughs in this one. It did feel a bit long and some of the acting was average, but they nailed the genre and the audience ate it up. 5 out of 10.
Promotion Road
Wow that was disgusting, well done! The deadpan delivery of “One more day of pretending to care about the environment.” was hilarious. As other reviewers have mentioned, the editing is not as sophisticated as the storytelling (and absolute nailing of the genre!) but it was so funny and so gross it hardly matters. It was a nice touch adding the bloopers at the end.
Real China
That guy sure walked a long time! I kind of liked this one, it was pretty good for a teen team effort. I understand the long walk was a gag, not bad editing, but the actor just didn't have the comic timing needed to sell the funny. I honestly can't remember if you used the required elements well, sorry. I did like the intro:)
The Kitchen
Loved this one (from a two man team!?), great idea for it to be the splatter of flies. Loved the way it was filmed with the human in slow motion. Did not understand the tiny basketball, possibly a reference to something? 9 out of 10.
Fosters Care
Well shot and well acted. I wasn't sure about the storyline but I don't know if that's my problem or the filmmaker's problem (someone explained it better later on, so definitely my problem). I liked the last frame as the credits came up, that was a nice touch. 6 out of 10.
The Host
Once again Dust Boot prove they cannot be beat when it comes to Art Direction/Production Design. Simply amazing creatures, especially the big creature, he was the highlight for me. I did get a bit bored (just a bit!) in the middle yet somehow confused too, but it came together brilliantly in the end. Loved the shock ending too, except my cousin now has to have a conversation with her girls aged 9, 7 and 5 years old to make sure there is no lasting harm to their delicate minds. 8 out of 10.
bush Whacked
Funny performance by the footballer/ex-SAS guy. Some of the other acting was just okay, and I wasn't sure of who the mistaken identity was (was it the naked dude?). Hilarious scene of the two guys one-upping each other as they ate - I assume! - a slightly melted picnic bar. 6 out of 10.
Dead Last
So good, so very very good. Shane Rangi is the man, he carried the film like a champ. He definitely deserves a nom for best actor. Good supporting cast, especially the coach. Make-up was great, photography and sound were solid. Maybe a smidgeon too long, especially as we could all see where it was going from minute two, but other than that it had good pacing. Perhaps the only real fault was the obvious ending, but this is one of those films where you just don't care because you're enjoying the ride too much.
Steve and Friends
Started well with the Play School/Rainbow set up, but became slow and confusing in the middle. The team intro was fun and I liked the bread puppet (especially the voice), I just think the audience got that he was being replaced in the first few seconds so that middle section could've moved a whole lot faster.
Plenty of black, not enough comedy. A few tech issues, most notably with sound, but an enjoyable short from a young team nonetheless. I did like the (probably gluten intolerant) girl leaving with the bread :)
Countdown to Redemption
I really liked this short. Despite the sound being...weird, I liked the visuals and the performances. I loved the use of the Bobby Young character and how he becomes an ex-bully. Perhaps a bit disjointed at the beginning, the resolution of the story came together well and had a nice twist. I gave one of my votes to this film:)
I Still Dream In Colour
Very slick film, all the bells and whistles were polished. All the required elements were there, and very well integrated into the story. Nice action, but I wanted more of it and shot with wider lenses - sometimes you couldn't see what was going on. I think my main problem with it was the lead character. There wasn't enough time to get to know her before it took off. By the end I didn't care about her and her plight, but I wanted to. And dare I say it, the film could have been longer - yes, it definitely left me wanting more. It has a nice twist on the dystopia formula, which I liked. But like the leaf eaters in the film, I felt a little empty after watching it. I suspect it might be a watch-it-twice type of film, so I look forward to seeing it again.
The Host
Once again Dust Boot prove they cannot be beat when it comes to Art Direction/Production Design. Simply amazing creatures, especially the big creature, he was the highlight for me. I did get a bit bored (just a bit!) in the middle yet somehow confused too, but it came together brilliantly in the end. Loved the shock ending too, except my cousin now has to have a conversation with her girls aged 9, 7 and 5 years old to make sure there is no lasting harm to their delicate minds. 8 out of 10.
Really nice film with some strong acting, especially from the female lead. Also loved the team intro and for that matter the end credits too. Pretty bold of this team to actually shoot their film in one shot (instead of using Hitchcock’s ‘Rope’ technique), for the most part they pulled it off. They had a fantastic location, good casting (perfect casting for the female role, she should get a best actress nom) and natural dialogue. Perhaps the only problem, despite it looking great on film, was the location and the difficulties filming within it. I’d like to know how much time they spent on rehearsing and when the film was shot (guessing Saturday night). I think if they had had more time to rehearse they could’ve gotten the actor/camera movements perfect.
Sleeping Lions
I really liked this film, it had good acting by the lead and the kids. Possibly let down the editing (running out of time in post prod?) but it's 48hrs so whatareyagonado. I'm not sure about the ending, is the mark on her arm real? I think it's clear it's not from a lion attack, but i would've liked it if she had removed the stuff from her arm once she got in the car, just to sell that it was definitely a lie and that she was only wearing make-up. 7 out of 10.
Mysterious Black
How did you get Nicholas Hope in your movie?! This film has well lit and framed shots, and a nice performance by the lead actor. I can't remember much else about it, maybe the shot of Nicholas Hope stunned me so I forgot the rest of the film? I do remember the ending, it was nice:) But really, do you know Nicholas Hope?
Sleeping Lions
I really liked this film, it had good acting by the lead and the kids. Possibly let down the editing (running out of time in post prod?) but it's 48hrs so whatareyagonado. I'm not sure about the ending, is the mark on her arm real? I think it's clear it's not from a lion attack, but i would've liked it if she had removed the stuff from her arm once she got in the car, just to sell that it was definitely a lie and that she was only wearing make-up. 7 out of 10.
The Hands from outa space
This was a good z grade film unfortunately over shadowed by the other z grade film in the heat. Some good practical effects and some interesting interpretations of the genre.
One of my favourites from heat 7. Really well written and acted. Nice twist I didn't see coming. Some minor sound issues I guess because of shooting at a beach. My main problem was the compulsory female character wasn't strongly represented.
Fosters Care
Well shot and well acted. I wasn't sure about the storyline but I don't know if that's my problem or the filmmaker's problem (someone explained it better later on, so definitely my problem). I liked the last frame as the credits came up, that was a nice touch. 6 out of 10.
The Ride
I liked this entry, especially the choice to shoot B&W. I found it a bit confusing though, possibly to do with the jumping back and forth between the past/present, or was it reality/fantasy? I liked the magic eight ball as the required prop, that was a nice touch. 6/10 for me.
Take 34
I liked some of the clever lines in this film (mostly coming from the characters' names being "Buddy" and "Guy"). It had a slightly confusing narrative and an almost tacked-on female character, but overall a good film. I'm not sure about the title though, I might have to see it again for it to make sense.