2 Entries and 13 Reviews

Student Exchange
Too Much Spare Time

Pupper Paleolithic
Too Much Spare Time
This is the one and only 48Hrs film that should be shown to any butchers who were after an explanation as to why they suddenly had all these random people coming in to buy cow(?) hearts during that weekend. Sure, they'd only be even more confused, but when it comes to fun confusion, this nigh-inscrutable short overdelivers.
I like how the horror story was played straight, while the whole time the inversion of the "living doll" trope gave it a comedic edge. Very clever and unsettling, especially with that well-composed eerie music.
The Ad
An impressive entry, all the more impressive for its large-ish cast to be in one place at the same time, contributing to an overall atmosphere of busy-ness without being overly chaotic. The actors were all bringing their A-game too, vital to a film that centres around one character who's bad at acting. And then the best at acting! It takes a fair bit of talent to sell both extremes so well. The payoff with the final performance of the ad (which I was not expecting to be included but in hindsight of course it had to be) was brilliant, and got a big reaction from the audience at Little Andromeda. Even though it took me a while to get onboard with the story near the beginning, it became one of those films where you're having too much fun to think about analysing it technically, so I've got no more criticisms to add here.
2020: A Couch Odyssey
I don't know if we're allowed to use Disney characters in our movies but either way, thank you for making this highly entertaining gem. Great choices for the various types of TV shows they ended up in.
For Generations
Nicely done. It's so easy for this type of "generational comedy" to veer into cheap stereotypes but this maintained the amusing and relatable characters, with the hilarious dialogue and all three characters pulling their weight throughout the scene. Proof that sci-fi can be goofy and "out there" but still keep the audience onboard the whole time!
Tonight On Extreme Quickfire Trivia
A fun and well-chosen concept for the given genre, excellent theme song, and just the right blend of humour and darkness. A solid entry!
Lizard Wizards
I like the use of the genre... and of the pet lizards! Great acting, props, and sound make this a well-polished film, worthy of its TV screening.
The Visible Man
This is my absolute fave. The Plan 9 Criswell/Vincent Price guy at the start, the menacing gangsters brandishing their weapons, the comment about drinking pee... There was no part of this movie that wasn't a riot - it's perfect. I'm still randomly remembering bits of it today and chuckling like an idiot.
The Taste of Friendship
Blending creepy sci-fi absurdity with a touching story of friendship, managing to convey a sense of loneliness that one might call "Peak Lockdown" without even referencing the Lockdown, and ending in a way that's so dark but so hilarious - this paradoxical film totally deserves its title as the most "Incredibly Strange" of the 48Hours.
Science Fact or Science Fiction
(Pssst, change your video settings to "Public" so we don't need the password to view it!)
Houses & Humans
A deceptively simple concept, but it's clear you weren't resting on that. So many great gags and well-chosen characters all round. So far this is my favourite film of the Urban Fantasy bunch. A natural 20 out of 20 for you!