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Somebody Someone Ross Ozarka

4 Entries and 19 Reviews


Tart de Turd

The "oh my god!" at the end was one of my favorite line deliveries from this year festival... it had us in stitches. I just wish the investors had eaten the Tart de Turd as well as the boss... would have been grosser.

Screw The Pooch

This is the most solid entry out of what I've seen from this year's com!!! Everything is in place, down to the hair and makeup. Where did they get that flowery altar???? A tight script that is constantly ratcheting up the tension, with a final climactic moment where you have no idea what's going to happen, all tied up with a great gag for the end. Great acting, each performance distinct. I loved it!


This is the most accurate screen depiction of teenagers I've ever seen

Lotus Hotel

The camerawork on this was something else! It's this wide angle lens that is absolutely stalking the character throughout the entire scene, after a few minutes I felt like I was the ghost haunting the Lotus Hotel

Missing Peace

At the heat screening for this movie, Karl the director was in an arm cast. He told me he deliberately delayed getting his cast put on in order to make this movie. That's commitment! And lemme tell ya, it paid off in spades! Or should I say, pickles? Or should I say... spades????

Safe Streets, No Crime

ATTENTION: Safe Streets, No Crime is now LIVE FOR VIEWING on the Screening Room!!!! Go and watch it!!!

Manu and the Runaways

Loved the ending!! The 48 Hour Film Festival needs a best dog award, and Manu should win it

Forbidden Fruit

How did you make Wellington feel like Italy???

The intricate art of Perfect Gravy


Prank Monster

tfw the Grim Scrimbler just walks right by you...


What a shame this was disqualified, it was my #1 out of every Hamilton entry and is as of writing, is on my top 3 nationwide. You guys had everything I want in a 48 hour film, I want to see kids running around with toy guns in a Divergent-style story shot in the school chemistry lab, I want to see dads in trenchcoats playing bad guys, I want to see nods to the Matrix and LOTR, and despite of the essential low fidelity of it all I want the film to take itself seriously, no lame attempts at self-effacing humor, no meta-jokes, no characters winking at the camera, saying "here's our mandatory reaction shot lol!"

The camera work stands out, capturing that young-adult action-adventure tone effectively. I loved the end puzzle, that the queen was on the wrong square, very clever. The performances were fab. The entire thing was finger lickin' good, the product of a team of dedicated people giving it their all to make something cool.

I always prefer the amateur filmmaker teams over the teams of professional filmmakers shooting on RED Rangers with camera jibs and semi-pro actors and WETA VFX guys on their weekends off, I usually find them too try-hard and afraid to let creativity run unbridled, their films usually end up being a snore, nowhere near as good as the young talent dealing in the "backyard filmmaking" aesthetic, a flavour you will never get anywhere else in your movie and TV watching life, you only get it in the 48 Hour Film Festival.

JOSH is the 48 Hour Film Festival at its very best. I loved it, I watched it twice, I hope you guys win best disqualified.

The Mugover

I love the concept of this movie, that there is this flatmate who the whole world is terrified of pissing off, such a simple concept and you ended it at exactly the right moment

Keeps the Doctor Away

this movie made me mad paro about my saspy

Finding Your Familiar

Fun idea, well executed, very fun to watch. Say hi to your cat for me!

Stella And Blarg At Large

Loved the splitscreen song!!!!

Skuxx Dogs 4 Life

Watching this, I genuinely wanted to see what the Skuxx Dogs got up to next. Of all the 48 Hour Films I watched, this was the only one where I felt like I would watch a series starring these characters. Your sound did not do you any favors, but I just really loved the characters and I hope you do more with them in the future. This was my #2 Audience favorite for this heat, it would have been #1 but I had to give that spot to my own film :P


I loved this one and laughed at every misfortune. I just wish he got run over by the car in the end!