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Filmed on location in the beautiful Catlins, New Zealand. The entire film was shot on an iPhone 11 Max


Incredibly charming short film.

Well done on the audience heat favourite award! Hard to argue with the fact that this was a widely appealing charming romcom as plans for the perfect proposal down south kept having murphy's law interruptions.

Normally I'm not a fan of voice in the head of the protagonist when portrayed by an imaginary friend, but I haven't seen one utilised this effectively for a very long time, so big ups in that regard.

Hair swish, outfit on point, ring at the ready and wine set to make things perfect to get down on one knee after 6 years, what could go wrong, right? Well road closures and cowpats spring to mind.

Really positive energy, keep going no matter what because we were seeing true love was an absolutely fantastic theme to see run through the film here.

Proceedings moved swiftly and there were plenty of gags but personally I found the edit had some very jumpy cuts at times, with one random upside down shot of the protagonist taking me out of my suspension of disbelief and cinematography a mixed bag; generally excellent framing but a handful of times blocking got away from the team.

Populist takes and strong endings go a long way though so good job team.

Story: 3.5/5
Technical: 2.5/5
Elements: 3/5
Overall: 3/5

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