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No Indemnity

by Cinnamon Cinemas


Yo! This was manic! Really enjoyed the kitchen sink high energy approach here with the film really moving like a bullet train to cram as many ideas as possible into its run time. The setup was good to allow this as well, as a vengeful ghost tries their hand at revenge on the femme fatale who sent them to the afterlife.

I tend not to reference teams' previous 48 Hours films but we've got a bit of auteurship going on here as this team last year got crime and this year upped the ante by going all in on hard boiled noir. Some gorgeous trope shots set the scene such as shadows across faces, blinds representing the internal jail/struggle of the protaganoist etc. But this was a setup rather than reliance on noir for form, with SIMPSONS-infused heaven and hell humour by way of BEETLEJUICE house haunting propelling the on screen action.

Big props for just rocketing along, no better example than piquing my interest as a viewer by immediately having our lead detective absolutely getting their hat soaked in the shower. Loved that the soundtrack sounded straight out of BASIC INSTINCT as well.

Did the sum of this films parts completely add up? Not totally for mine, but highly enjoyable with never a dull moment.

Doggo Count = 1

Story: 3/5
Technical: 3/5
Elements: 3.5/5
Overall: 3/5

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