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by kmooreknowsmore

U B U.
Y U B U?


"Is it safe?" we've all heard that one whispered before right? Well probably not in the context of a film that lead a multiverse that felt like METROPOLIS meets THE STEPFORD WIVES and yet was utterly baffling as to what was actually going on.

Shot in black and white for no clear reason for mine, other than to allow colourful visual prompts such as the important handover of an unexplained something from the dying scientist at the the start of the film, and then some neone and pastel 80s costume getups, yeah I just struggled to piece together a narrative here team.

At times some striking visual imagery that also called to mind VIVARIUM and the suburban uncanny valley of EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, but even the closeups lost me when you only showed the lower half of a seemingly central characters face.

Genuinely no clue what that was about, I'm assuming that the lead needed to conform and didn't want to and what the scientist gave was an out, but I'm not going to overthink it.

Story: 1/5
Technical: 2.5/5
Elements: 2/5
Overall: 1.5/5

Some good ideas and visuals, I think the B&W looked quite good, but I’m not sure I followed what the film was about.

I think I somewhat echo the bewildered reviews above, there are some ideas happening in this movie, some I can make out, some I cannot.

I think there's some kind of 1984 dystopia happening, and judging by the multiverse genre, the main character is trying to leave or get back to her universe...?

Hell, there's an argument Kmooreknowsmore does in fact, know more, and the black-and-white genius of this film just went over my head.

Challenge for next year: I think there could be some value in focusing on making a more cohesive, and for lack of a better word, obvious narrative. You clearly have some crazy ideas, I'd love to be let in on the joke.

I actually pretty surprised this wasn't nominated for "Incredibly Strange" as it is certainly pretty strange and certainly mad. I'm not sure I'd even know how to put together a script for something like this. I think AJ is on to something by suggesting you work on providing a more obvious narrative next time. You can still do crazy or arty but give us something that we can recognise and get on board with.

In general, it looked good and you obviously got the performances you wanted so keep your team together and give it all another crack next year.

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