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Man Bat

by GoodWeird


When you're sick of saving the world, there really is nothing left to do other than go on a multiverse vacation to get away from being a caped crusader. Nice rough take on a heavy drinking Mr. Bruce who has such a fuckit attitude that he can't see the portal in the ceiling above him.

I thought the script had some inventive lines of dialogue and the reversal of fortunes was a concept that opened up a huge world of opportunities. The classic Adobe Premiere lightning was used to good comedic effect for warping and we almost got into cruel fate territory, story wise.

I just personally felt like the narrative needed a bit more polish. Your Man Bat delivered a really solid performance but honestly there was too much going on in my opinion. Nice camerawork and relatable underling theme of wanting to work realistic hours and not be stuck in the same thing forever, but coming to self realisation, but the cohesive whole needed tightening.

Were the side jokes and gags enjoyable? Forgetting the bag, being unable to escape stardom, neighbours being lacksadaical about saving the world also? Yeah sure, and arguably added depth to the characters, I just would have lost some for a tighter narrative.

Story: 2.5/5
Technical: 2.5/5
Elements: 2/5
Overall: 2.5/5

Fun film with some cool effects and engaging story. I especially love the small details, such as having Catwoman holding a “dead cat” boom mic, and that epic low angle big close up of the Commissioner Gordon, which looked like it was straight out of Justice League. Feels like you guys had a lot of fun making this.

I love all the references and gags, this was a fun and enjoyable film to watch!

Delightfully silly and funny, a great palate cleanser in the middle of the heats. In a way, the quintessential 48Hour film.

Some great goofy ideas present, pretty much every line has been written to be entertaining and we're not wasting anytime. While crass and crude, the comedy is never dull and importantly, this isn't a boring film. The multiverse gate on the ceiling was my favourite gag.

Feels needless to say this, but a higher technical quality and maybe a bit more of a strong narrative backbone would dramatically improve this film, but it looks like you had fun making what you made, and that's the main thing.

Challenge for next year: See if you can combine your great sense of humour with some more impressive visuals and cleaner audio.

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