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Dice to Meet You 2: No More Mr Dice Guy

by Rolleston College B

The sequel to Dice to Meet You. Henry and Isabelle must use their knowledge of Cellars & Serpents to overcome great danger and avoid being grounded.


I walked in a little late to this heat so all I saw was the end of the first part followed by this film. I have to say the “up next” Netflix style thing is one of the most ingenuitve things I’ve seen in the competition! (even if it does technically break the requirement of having 5 seconds of black at the end of your film). Also some pretty cool looking VFX work for a school team! Keep up the solid work!

Lucky you, you get two reviews!

I think this film is definitely the stronger half of the Dice to Meet You saga, so good job leaving us on a high.

Once again the Netflixian User Interface integration was really well done and I absolutely loved it.

Chroma keying out the sky to have the demon towering over the characters was really awesome too, a lot of fun.

Challenge for next year: Please keep doing two-part films! I love this format, and I think as you improve as filmmakers, you might even see your funny Netflix gimmick play before the City Finals audience one day :)

...a lot stronger than the first part and certainly has better pacing. The action ramps up and having that great big terrible giant demon in the sky was pretty cool. While I get the multiple reasons you went for a dude dressed up as the mum could this not just have been an older brother or where was your teacher at to play a part?! These things happen in 48HRs where casting can have its limitations but age-appropriate casting really is important.

Overall, overall a solid short from this team I actually think this half would stand on its own given the "previously on" recap we get. We would have been straight into the action, maybe with a few questions, but largely we would have got it and it would have been a creative way to skip some exposition.

Nice work, fellow Selwyn school.

yes yes and more yes to the 2 parter, what an achievement! be proud of that.

You guys have some raw technical chops that if you continue to work at will only get better each year, so I encourage you to keep submitting and surprising us, well done!

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