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by Big Mamba Productions

our name is Big Mamba Productions this is our second year to have entered, we have been making films together for the past almost four years. And this is what we made... enjoy


An overbearing director leads a team trying to come up with a film idea through to chaos and ultimately disaster. Nice work Chai and team!

This film had great performances by the actors and a good variety of shots. I love a good meta film, and this one is super relatable for 48 Hours participants, trying to come up with an idea, and having it lead you to places you didn't expect! Thankfully, most of us don't end up burying our teammates, but then this makes for a more exciting story to watch, haha.

Editing was done well for tension, and music was also used well. Loved the "so drunk" driving moment, the inevitable accident, and brains. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the music with the visuals at the end.

I was a bit tired by the end of heat 2 at 4:20am where I was, so my notes are a little thin... Look forward to seeing this again and will add more thoughts later if needed!

Nice work team :)

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