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A Weekend With Gazza

by Not a blimmin clue


What if your uncle magically came back to life as a vacuum cleaner? Well that's where this team's headspace was for the weekend and I liked their 100% commitment to selling the idea. Some decent character development and links to family as our lead was shown to be a non-listener/person who kept to their headphones, until their smart-ass wisecracking uncle shows them how to stand up for themselves both against bullies and when it comes to women. Million dollar idea on a miniscule budget but a couple of fantastic jokes.

Default Avatar Tim Hamilton

Uncle hoover was some fantastic voice over work. Great perception from the director of the differences in dating between our generations. The sudden and only flash back to the rugby field gave the film some nice depth. Add a star for great pick up lines, Otis.

Default Avatar giraffe_face

Pretty wacky film. Fast-paced with great dialogue and comedy. Very funny. Wish Gazza was my dead uncle.

Default Avatar YourPalPedro

A genuinely funny film.

Nice fantasy spin on the genre, I like the way you think. Nailed several good laughs there. A bit unrealistic (not expecting realism in the sense of a dead guy coming back to life as a vacuum cleaner) however it seemed odd that the other guys didn't fight back or the mum didn't tell him he was on his own after he started talking about what a big man he was. Then again these things were probably part of the overall joke, it was a clever concept well executed.

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