1 Entry and 12 Reviews

Here Kitty Kitty
Love [sic]
I liked this film. Some people have commented on it not feeling like a true Rom-Com, but to me it felt like a bittersweet slice of a rom-com. Let down a little by the blonde-haired actress (sorry to be impersonal, but I didn't catch the credits), but ultimately heartwarming, and comedic. Surprising to feel moved by a 48HOURS film!
Briefcase of Pain
There was nothing not to like here: flashy cinematography, good humour, and lots of action. It's hard to review a few days later in terms of production when the story stood out more than anything else, but then can't really fault it on anything either.
Charity Begins
Pretty cool, but unfortunately overshadowed by the similarly styled "Briefcase of Pain" that preceded it. Cool cheesy slo-mo, and a lot of fun.
Love [sic]
I liked this film. Some people have commented on it not feeling like a true Rom-Com, but to me it felt like a bittersweet slice of a rom-com. Let down a little by the blonde-haired actress (sorry to be impersonal, but I didn't catch the credits), but ultimately heartwarming, and comedic. Surprising to feel moved by a 48HOURS film!
I have to say, I'm a little sick of zombie musicals. It was fun and had shock value, but was pretty forgettable (although I do love the concept of death metal blues [sic])
Hard Red Nights
This was effectively discomforting, though a little hard to follow. The lead actress was awesome though!
Dirty Habits
A pretty standard "Sister Act" kind of comedy, with somewhat unbelievable characters (why would that nun go to that bar? Why would they take in that chick? And why was that chick being pursued in the first place?) and poor audio. Fun, though, overall.
Alien Apocalypse : A Guide To Survival
An enjoyable film with some good gags, but I don't feel it offered much beyond what I see as "typical" Kiwi humour.
To Dad
I started out really wanting to like this film, for its engaging atmosphere and beautiful cinematography. But, like everyone else, I was left frustrated by it not being clear what it was about. A little substance to go with the style could have made this amazing.