1 Entry and 8 Reviews

Alpaca in the Closet
Down Under Around and Over
Hold For Applause
Hold for Applause
Objectionable violation of genre. Dystopian, postmodern and memorable. How did you do that huge back fall? Scissors in the throat, shucks.
Alpaca in the Closet
Written & Directed By: Silke Stahr
Producer: Simon Carruthers
Cinematography & Editing: Xavier Maire
Production Design: Marion Vegas
Starring: Simon Carruthers, Marion Vegas
Made in Wellington New Zealand as part of 48 Hours 2022
Who was the protagonist we were rooting for again? Bit more face please. Award for VFX fo sure. Bust the hollywood and wellywood sign moment with the destruction of the Auckland civic 48Hours finals location! Very meta. Story elements in need of elevation beyond popcorn. Still popped a few corn though.
Birthday Boy
Started a bit slow, finished strong. Tap that spacebar! Squish my cake and sing me happy birthday! Cut aways from the protagonist to other employees also doing their ASMR jobs fit so well. One of the best uses of element. Very entertaining.
Ditto on the silhouette, one of the best, distinctive covers of the comp. Paper, scissors, rock shoot off very nice and cheesy entertainment. I felt the trespassers and the farmer could have gotten down to the river and into conflict a bit quicker.
Wow, very very cute. We are also a multilingual team, your film went down very well with us here in Wellington city.