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Death of Brian

by Happy Gaze Are Gae 146 views


Default Avatar Chester Travis

No one can deny that this film is absolutely amazing. A Monty Pythonesque mash up of Tim and Eric and some kind of drug yet to be invented. Clearly the audience favourite, it had everyone in tears. This, I think, is owed partially to the brilliant ADR job. While it feels like somewhat of a cop out from a team comprised of what is essentially last years winners - they remain the only fad film I've seen this year that has been made as a fad film, and not a film about a fad.

Default Avatar Ghride Ghoti

Although I didn't rate it in my top three, there's no question that this was one of the standouts films from its heat. Clearly an audience favourite on the night, it is one which will not fade from the memory quickly (and not just for the obvious reason!) The main drawback was a lack of adherence to the genre: nice try guys, but "being melodramatic" doesn't really wash as a fad. The story was also awfully simplistic, although I have to give it due credit as being extremely well paced and played out over the span of the film. Most of all, however, kudos has to be given for taking a simple idea, running with it, and running with it *hard*. Anyone can take one basic joke and push it until it stops being funny. What takes real balls is to keep on pushing so far past that point that it actually breaks through the pain barrier and becomes funny again. A superb accomplishment.

Default Avatar MistaTeas

A title card reminds us of that horrible fad from a few decades ago when men where afflicted with being over melodramatic. We are transported to the home of a group of men who upon hearing that their friend Brian has died , become melodramatic to the umpteenth degree plus infinity! Just as it seems they will never be consoled, Brian turns up in all his glory – and everyone is extremely pleased. Gorilla Team Gorilla’s 2nd entry this year will probably be CHCH’s most talked about 48HR short for 2011. It was inspiring to subtitle the melodrama and technically the film was what you would expect – although they didn’t have to do much! The acting was great – especially Bobby Young’s whose meltdown was superb. Clawing face in desperation was also entertaining. The audience was in hysterics from the start and laughter became infectious – I’m sure they could have cut to Holocaust scenes and people would have kept laughing! Not sure if this will be a finalist this year because when all is said and done it’s really just a load of silliness – silliness done well, but silliness nonetheless. Certainly a revealing short!

Nice homage to Python - with all the naughty bits included. All it was missing was the foot squishing it all at the end. A simple idea done very well (and all in one room too). I thought it spoke to fad well - and the costumes were insipid - I mean inspired. The audience was literally rolling in the aisles for the whole short. Awesome.

Default Avatar May B

Undoubtedly this film hits the funny spot, and as others have suggested, python-esque for sure. I liked it mostly because it was a brave and somewhat successful attempt at one punchline. Not sure it adhered to a fad, or the required elements (I might have missed those though from too much laughter) but hats off for to idea.

Default Avatar Dave

I was extremely impressed by this film. For the first half I was confused, then began laughing. The hysterically melodramatic acting had me in stitched - Dan Watson was actually quite brilliant. As the film progressed, I was shocked, couldn't stop laughing, and kept looking away from the scene. I thought this was brilliant and brave filmmaking. Both shocking, humourous and completely unexpected. This was the most talked about film of the evening, as soon as the lights came on. Absolute genius.

Default Avatar Graham Spence

Thought this was mouth-wateringly good, a perfectly delicious package. I'd tap that!

Default Avatar MistaTeas

A title card reminds us of that horrible fad from a few decades ago when men where afflicted with being over melodramatic. We are transported to the home of a group of men who upon hearing that their friend Brian has died , become melodramatic to the umpteenth degree plus infinity! Just as it seems they will never be consoled, Brian turns up in all his glory – and everyone is extremely pleased. Gorilla Team Gorilla’s 2nd entry this year will probably be CHCH’s most talked about 48HR short for 2011. It was inspiring to subtitle the melodrama and technically the film was what you would expect – although they didn’t have to do much! The acting was great – especially Bobby Young’s whose meltdown was superb. Clawing face in desperation was also entertaining. The audience was in hysterics from the start and laughter became infectious – I’m sure they could have cut to Holocaust scenes and people would have kept laughing! Not sure if this will be a finalist this year because when all is said and done it’s really just a load of silliness – silliness done well, but silliness nonetheless. Certainly a revealing short!

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