4 Entries and 10 Reviews

Hunting Pavlov
The 5 Musketeers

Stage Fright
The Monkey House

Pirate Adventure
Just the 1 Musketeer Actually

Castle Cat-burglars
The 5 Musketeers
The Anti-Possession Centre
Great premise which inspired a lot of funny moments. Though after a couple of minutes, I was felling the absence of a central narrative through-line. So I was happy to see the twist reveal. If only the film didn't end 5 seconds after the twist was introduced.
Big stand out of the school teams for me.
Everything looks better in black and white. Not to say there wasn't good cinematography... but even ordinary shots are elevated by greyscale.
Loved the low-framerate/stop motion choice -- very inspired.
My biggest criticism is the location. Dialogue tells us that it's an abandoned house. But it has a working porch light? I'm not saying you need to shoot in a house full of broken glass and rotten floorboards. I'm saying the story could've easily fit in a forest, warehouse, farm building...
Ask around! you'd be surprised what people you know have access to.
Stage Fright
Great to see the above reviews but our film hasn't actually screened yet lol.
You're looking for the other Christchurch film called Stage Fright which is not yet on the screening room.
God Has Abandoned Us (The Devil Is Here)
My favourite film of the year. I thought it was just because I'm a huge fan of demonic aesthetics and post-apocalyptic settings. But after rewatching this at the city finals, there's lots more good stuff in here! The world feels like it extends well beyond what we see. The film starts after the possession's already happened and the crew have been called in! While it's a cheeky stretching of the "real time" genre, the vision of the future is so cool (the priest's pupil matching into a burned Earth... chef's kiss). So many of the shots are so dynamic and visually rich. And I love an anti-arc (where the protagonist looks as though they might change but are revealed to have stayed strong to their beliefs the whole way though).
I guess I'd better critique something.. . Could've ended a bit more triumphantly with the priest performing a cool finishing move... drawing some sigils, drowning the devil in holy water etc.
I wish I made this. It's awesome.
This is a really genius interpretation of a "match cut". Although the story felt like it had been unnaturally twisted into shape to be able to accommodate the cut (I'm imagining a character stopping someone from igniting a fuse by dramatically chopping the head of a lit match out of their fingertips).
Good utilization of the LED screen and fourth wall break scenario was very fun too. "Keep rolling, it's funny"
Blood Magic
I won't repeat anything already said because I agree with all of it.
I thought I'd figured out the twist when I saw a mysterious figure lurking behind the wall for most of the conversation scene. But it turns out this was just a crew member? Because they were never acknowledged by the film.
As I write this, I realise it's a pretty minor thing to complain about but I think viewers should be rewarded for looking at things closely! And I was genuinely confused.
Anyway, huge potential on display here. Having one short scene before the main film to establish our protagonist's conflict went so far in keeping me interested in what would happen to this character. The fight scene was pretty great too!
Better Come Quick
Really funny.
And perhaps more importantly a VERY strong ending (in a competition notorious for endings that are too often rushed or unsatisfying).
My gripe is relatively minor:
The match cut was well executed, quite satisfying to watch.
But it completely confused me. Visually, I was told that he was running and then he found a scooter which he began riding. It took quite while for me to realize we were now following a completely different character.
That aside, this is definitely one of the strongest school entries this year.
The Adventures of Shart Boy and Larvae Girl: 3D
Maybe I'm overthinking this and I was just caught up in the energy at the screening... but Herms Heroes have an incredible ability to maintain energy and momentum.
Camera movement, music and editing keep a minute and a half of people being introduced lively. I think this is most prevalent in their "24 Hours" entry from last year which is kind of just a guy running around fighting a mannequin but it's actually kind of adrenaline-inducing (
The other thing keeping the energy going is the constant changing of techniques. From 3D to abruptly stopping the 3D, greenscreen, reversed footage, a dummy, miniature work and then a section of the film which seems to have been printed onto paper and had effects drawn with crayon??
I won't talk about the lack of story because the team is obviously aware of that.
I'm just amazed that they put so much together in a weekend. All the costumes, animation and a "cardboard cathedral".
My only criticism is that the Rubba Monkey didn't fight a Digital Pigeon.
Noise Complaint
Awesome take on the "one man against an army" subgenre that's growing increasingly popular in cinema, following John Wick.
With creative kills like the music being stopped by smashing the DJ's head into the speaker, this film just needed to get MESSIER!
Every blood splatter seem to be shot against the same wall. Entrails should've been flying with every hit! By the end our protagonist should have been drenched in blood.
I'm guessing you didn't want to ruin your house. But to that I say, find a fake blood recipe with a detergent base (washes easily) or find a location that can be ruined. Maybe the bulk of the party was happening in the back yard.
Blood Magic
I won't repeat anything already said because I agree with all of it.
I thought I'd figured out the twist when I saw a mysterious figure lurking behind the wall for most of the conversation scene. But it turns out this was just a crew member? Because they were never acknowledged by the film.
As I write this, I realise it's a pretty minor thing to complain about but I think viewers should be rewarded for looking at things closely! And I was genuinely confused.
Anyway, huge potential on display here. Having one short scene before the main film to establish our protagonist's conflict went so far in keeping me interested in what would happen to this character. The fight scene was pretty great too!