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Somebody Someone Matt Typhoid

2 Reviews



This flick may have been a little rough around the edges, but the knowing sense of humour made it consistently entertaining. From the weird (the teddy bear giving directions) to the cheesy (the various pun-heavy kiss-off lines) to the inspired ("Is that David Hasselhoff?"), this was a huge amount of fun. Bonus points for the shot from a plane(!) and whoever was so careful with detail as to change the colour of speedos worn to match the country. Can't wait until this one is uploaded so I can watch it again...

Not Everyone's Fantasy

After a rapid-fire Shallow Grave-esque opening as prospective flatmates are introduced, the story gets down to it with three young people becoming increasingly suspicious of their new flatmate. Some hilaro jokes and a terrific escalating reveal at the end (the surface-licking was brilliant!) made this one really stand out. Packs a lot into its running time, but never feels rushed. Great fun!