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A Bloody Bad Goodbye

by Bad George 6 views


Picking up immediately after the events in the first film, the corpse gets a meatier role in this sequel. The continuity was impressive as everyone had the same costumes and it kicked off at the same location. The gore looked great and I thought the Wilhelm scream was very nicely utilised. Didn't quite follow or understand the reasons for the zombie's change of heart - that 5 minute limit is a killer. Good on ya for being the only Ultra team in Hamilton. TRIVIA: my mother texted me on shoot weekend and said someone was on Ann Street making a film with Mormon characters in it.

Ultra 48 certainly looks like a challenge and the task these guys had to overcome was enormous. Personally I wish they'd chosen something stronger to make a sequel of, and generally feel that it reduced a team that should be top contenders to at best middle of the road. Big balls for taking on the challenge though and hopefully next time we can see these guys shine again.

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