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Somebody Someone bona92

26 Reviews


Requiem for a scream

Love it! I enjoyed this from beginning to end, clever use of the genre and elements. I love the humour too. This was a strong film as a whole and it was very entertaining to watch. Well done.


Great story, love the twist. The sound issue bothered me a lot, but I understand the challenge shooting at the beach. I wish the compulsory female character was more present.

The Hands from outa space

Nicely shot. I like the characters, and the gore. It was funny and entertaining to watch. Good work.

Spoken Word

Once I understood the use of genre, I thought it was very clever. The film was well shot for most of it, and sounded good as well, however, I do find the story to be progressing a bit slow for my liking. But overall, I thought this deserve to get #1 or at least #2 on the audience favourite as it was a very clever film.


This was a fun film to watch. Love the costumes and the settings. I enjoy the humour and the story. The audio is noisy though, but I appreciate that it was probably quite challenging to deal with the background noise where they were. Overall I really enjoyed this entertaining film and it gave me a good laugh.


Some lovely shots in this film, and I understand the tension that it's trying to build, but it didn't quite get there for me, I like the ending and the use of those closeups, and use of shadows was clever too.

Favour From The Neighbour

Love the awkwardness between the two characters, the creepy factor and the tension build was done very nicely. Not a fan of the lighting, and looks like the picture was a bit soft on some parts of the film for an extended period of time, but I like the film as a whole, and I like the ending.

Ringtone Revenge

Nicely shot for most part, great acting, I like the use of the line of dialogue too. I quite like the story, but I feel the ending doesn't really do it for me. The biggest let down was the sound. I wished these guys have more time to polish the sound, and it would have been stunning.

Thirst Contact

Nicely done. I enjoyed this but I must admit that there were times when I thought it wasn't clear that they were aliens. I can totally see that ending coming though.

Strewth Ruth

Nicely shot. I love the colour palette. I wouldn't think of this as a 'Supernatural' genre, because it felt more 'Alien' to me, but I still really enjoyed this film. Great work.


I like the way the characters communicate, but I feel the story is disjointed and I couldn't make sense of it. But I like the drone footage at the start, smooth and strong.

Take 34

I enjoyed this film, clever wording, light and funny. I have to agree that I don't get what the connection to the title is. Overall, I loved it.

The Hand That Feeds

Love the sound design. I found that there were a few shots that lingered a little too long (or not needed). But, I like the tension at the end, and this film made me squirm with the finger cutting scene.


I like the story and the interaction between the characters, and I also like that the entire film is mainly set in the elevator. But I'm not a big fan of the music.

Spoken Word

Once I understood the use of genre, I thought it was very clever. The film was well shot for most of it, and sounded good as well, however, I do find the story to be progressing a bit slow for my liking. But overall, I thought this deserve to get #1 or at least #2 on the audience favourite as it was a very clever film.