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Somebody Someone johnnybeloved

9 Reviews


La Piscine Thermale

Acting was believable, too believable in my books. Since when was sleeping around with your flatmate an Urban Legend? It might be for some people but whenever I think about urban legends I think about crocodiles in the sewers, moas in Titirangi or yeti. The writing and character's behaviors were unnatural in some parts. Didn't get the presenter entering the spa fully clothed when he is fully aware that someone has jizzed on it - so wrong, bad taste for a gag I suppose (excuse the pun). Editing was good but you didn't nailed that theme like you nailed that spa. Sorry you guys you get a star mainly because of the lack of originality and creativity.

The Unrested Soul

I usually like films that challenge me spiritually but didn't work for me here. The acting was average. Poor child having to deal with such poorly written script with horrible themes. The girl as the mother seemed fake and didn't have that maternal thing about her, I was confused if she was a baby sitter or an adopted older sister. The man was ok he would of been better if the plot is simplified so we could really connect with the characters better. Cinematography was OK, setting good. Poor plot concept, there were too much. It was so bad no offence, almost unbearable. I felt you wanted to achieve a high budget film within 7 mins. You were trying too hard I'm sorry. Sometimes less is more I was told. Too ambitious for a Spielberg film. I think you had some descent actors and it had potential. Don't call yourself Spielberg next time you hear?


This is by far one of the best from this heat. I am sick of unintelligent reviews btw. Cinematography great, sound good, acting great. For those who cannot review well, make better films next time, go to Uni or at least watch more short films. Anyone who gets a one shot for trying should at least get credit for attempting this. This requires constant practice in order to get the right timing. I understand that the ending is ambiguous, it just means it is open ended and leaves more for the audience to think about... Just because it is not a funny film it doesn't mean it shouldn't get my vote.

The Unrested Soul

I usually like films that challenge me spiritually but didn't work for me here. The acting was average. Poor child having to deal with such poorly written script with horrible themes. The girl as the mother seemed fake and didn't have that maternal thing about her, I was confused if she was a baby sitter or an adopted older sister. The man was ok he would of been better if the plot is simplified so we could really connect with the characters better. Cinematography was OK, setting good. Poor plot concept, there were too much. It was so bad no offence, almost unbearable. I felt you wanted to achieve a high budget film within 7 mins. You were trying too hard I'm sorry. Sometimes less is more I was told. Too ambitious for a Spielberg film. I think you had some descent actors and it had potential. Don't call yourself Spielberg next time you hear?

Lucky Last

Since when were filmmakers politically correct? It makes perfect sense that FTI incorporated V in the script afterall this is the V 48 hour Film Festival. Duh?! You guys are just jealous that the film had a green screen, ace special effects and of course the celebrity endorsement of descent actors. I think the production was not intending to "bow down" to the sponsors, it was very clear that this is a very funny and awkward gag and I think it is important not to take this too seriously and not be too P.C. about it because it is only a competition.

Lucky Last

Since when were filmmakers politically correct? It makes perfect sense that FTI incorporated V in the script afterall this is the V 48 hour Film Festival. Duh?! You guys are just jealous that the film had a green screen, ace special effects and of course the celebrity endorsement of descent actors. I think the production was not intending to "bow down" to the sponsors, it was very clear that this is a very funny and awkward gag and I think it is important not to take this too seriously and not be too P.C. about it because it is only a competition.