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Sleepers Disco

by Oscar the Walrus 275 views


Great work! You managed to both increase your production value, and finally punch out a really decent story. There was effective lighting throughout this, and your nightclub scenes in particular were very well done. Camerawork was a little bland perhaps, but it was solid. Your actors did a good job - suspension of disbelief with regards to your character sure, but it worked with the tone of the film. Bit of splatter, a cheesy fight scene - personally I feel it can be risky to rely on this. I think it worked for the audience this time, but intentional spoofing, cheesiness, b-grade etc for humour may be audience pleasing, but not necessarily memorable, or acclaim-winning. In any case, I think you did pull it off fairly well, and didn't overdo it, so it worked. Well done. Slight subversion of the action/adventure genre, debatable. Great ending. (Oh one thing - the night-time filter didn't look great. Surely given that you were shooting late at night anyway, this wasn't necessary?) In any case - a highly enjoyable, well executed film.

Default Avatar Shadowliss

WELL DONE! This year your film made sense. The story was really well written and the film flowed amazingly. The cheesy fight scene was risky was it worked and was a very funny part. The nightclub shots looks amazing but the night filter looked a bit funny.

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