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The Rise of Undie Man

by Random Head Scratch 206 views


Default Avatar Alex Davidson

Nice use of the low-tech. A bit of a 'Back of the Y' feel. Very funny, got some good solid laughs. Some tighter editing might have made it stronger; so long as it kept the shot of the undie-mobile slowly crossing the screen.

Default Avatar huckleberry

This is what the comp is about! And i love toilet humour. Pair this with a bit more production value and you're flying

My favourite in this heat, some great laugh out loud moments and the gag real through the credits was a nice touch, looks like they had a lot of fun making it A little more time spent on editing would have finished off this film

Default Avatar Lil79

Really funny, lots of great characters.and gags, and bloopers at the end were great. Agree with other reviewers that more time spent on editing would have made a big difference, but enjoyed this one.

Default Avatar Dogs Breakfast

Vic the cop and his superhero alter ego Undie Man fight crimes where people are killed by poo. This team had a lot of fun making this, based on the credits, and I laughed a lot during the movie.

Default Avatar Kittykat

So funny! Laughed from beginning to end! I really enjoyed the humour and who doesn't love a good toilet humour movie. Especially loved the 'Undiemobile'...

Default Avatar Rags2013

Loved it! Basic story line but was quite effective with the limited time frame. The toilet humor, while crude, was quite amusing.

Default Avatar hotdogsandwich

A good example of a team that doesn't have much filmmaking ability but a great sense of humour so made an abosutely amazing film! There should be more like this and they should be included in the finals, long live the amateur filmmaking competition!

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