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Deus Ex Machina

by Chicken Corn Soup Productions 263 views


Default Avatar UncleAngel

Great movie, especially being shot with just an iPhone 4S. The locations you guys used was quite amazing. Some scenes were a little dark and hard to see and some of the audio was a bit patchy. It would have been cool to see this as a feature length with a stronger storyline

Default Avatar Francis O'Hearnily

Not a bad first attempt. Keep it up, boys

Default Avatar muftix

The middle part at the beach is really good, nice grading, and feels like there is more than what the movie shows us. Too bad that what happens before and after isn't that good.

Default Avatar JohnSir

Biggest mind-blown moment at the end. I guess the best thing to take away from this film is that the iPhone has an amazing camera.

Default Avatar UncleAngel

Great movie, especially being shot with just an iPhone 4S. The locations you guys used was quite amazing. Some scenes were a little dark and hard to see and some of the audio was a bit patchy. It would have been cool to see this as a feature length with a stronger storyline

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