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Somebody Someone InTents

21 Reviews



This was my favourite film in the heat! Up till this film there was 1 maybe 2 really good ones in this heat. The editing was amazing and the characters was so "human". I don't know how people didn't get it, i just loved it.


To be honest, I lost hope hope in this film 10 seconds in. But after the establishing I was hooked and just about shat myself. It was amazing.

I'm Actually There

LOVED IT! AVSOLUTELY GENIUS amazing begining and best fight scene ever

Cutting Shapes

The beginning was a bit off putting but when the soundtrack kicked in I started really getting into the film. the dream sequence was very nostalgic and sweet but I feel the ending was a bit disappointing and overall it was nice but the short was just that, short.


To be honest, I lost hope hope in this film 10 seconds in. But after the establishing I was hooked and just about shat myself. It was amazing.

Meet The Movement

You'll see me buffling on Cuba soon.


This was my favourite film in the heat! Up till this film there was 1 maybe 2 really good ones in this heat. The editing was amazing and the characters was so "human". I don't know how people didn't get it, i just loved it.