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by Dublin Street Studios 385 views


Default Avatar lontramus

I'll admit I didn't see the end coming, I thought it was going to a nice happy ending but props to your team for pulling out my heartstrings at the last minute. Nice use of a frisbee vs. boomerang.

A warming story was told here - or so I hoped! Was really rooting for a happy end in this one, but was not to be. The lead was very convincing in his role and alongside the female lead had on screen chemistry which was nice to see. The main let down of your film was the audio, often the characters would have their conversations drowned out by background music, again just a levels issue.

Default Avatar MR MKB

A man works to impress the girl of his dreams, along with the tutoring and encouragement of his imaginary friend. This film had a lot of interesting elements, and it didn't push the whole concept of the imaginary friend too much. I thought the sugar-pouring shot was a nice, subtle way of introducing the idea to the audience, without beating them over the head with it. I also thought the whole boomerang/frisbee element was a very thoughtful touch, and I liked how you introduced it subtly in the beginning as well. Without giving anything away, I thought the ending was a nice, unique touch which I didn't see coming. As other reviewers have mentioned, the real killer for me though was the audio. In most of the scenes I could barely make out what any of the actors were saying, which really detracted from the whole film. Overall a great take on the genre, with enough original ideas to keep it fresh. I enjoyed your film last year guys, and I look forward to seeming more from what is clearly a creative team.

Default Avatar 4948

Absolutely loved this film. Great twist on the genre, and the ending really got me. This is the first film I've ever teared up in, so I'm giving you huge props to that. Good job.

This made me really sad.

What I liked: Cute story, nice visuals that worked well to tell the story. good performances too. nice match cut What to work on: as cute as the story was ultimately the whole story was unmemorable to me and a bit cliché

Default Avatar MistaTeas

MR MKB sums the plot up perfectly so I won't repeat. This short looked really nice, was well acted and its bitter-sweet little story hit the spot with the audience. Such a shame that the audio was a bit blown out and therefore some of the dialogue was hard to understand. Some of it looked ADR'd as well which was out of sync. Easily done! The imaginary friend part was well filmed and edited - clever stuff! Good humour and a pretty complete narrative. Well done!

Ending was interesting but major audio issues for this one. On top of one of the lead actors accent, the audio was poor and made it hard for me to truly connect with it. Some great stylistic shots in this one but it had potential to really be more than it ultimately was.

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